Study in Heilongjiang Province
Name: Heilongjiang Province
Areas: 454600 square kilometers
Population: 38.108 million (by the end of 1997)
Capital: Ha’erbin City
Geography: Heilongjiang located in the North China between East longitude 121'13 - 135'05 and north latitude 43'22 - 53'24, as a part of the frigid and temperate zone. It has a common boundary with Inner Mongolia Autonomous Region and Jilin Provinces. Its north is bordered on the southeast of Russia.
Nature Resources: Heilongjiang Province not only has rich soil resources with large quantity of cultivated land which takes the first place in China, but also has rich water resource with good quality for agriculture, industry and the use of living. Heilongjiang has a large of forest coverage, many kinds of biologic resource and rich mineral resource. The petroleum resource in Heilongjiang has been proved its reserve, which is the first place in China. The Daqing Oil Field is not only the biggest one in China, but also is one of the few biggest oil fields in the world. As the one of the ten largest bases of coalfield, its amount of reserves, output and export are all play important roles in China. Heilongjiang is also rich in some of other mineral resources such as gold and lead.
Economy: The GDP in Heilongjiang in the year of 1997 was 270850 million Yuan, the gross output value of agriculture and industry 354770 million Yuan, and the per capita GDP 7243 Yuan. The total value of imports and exports in Heilongjiang in 1997 reached up to 3580 million US dollars. The government revenue was more than 15060 million Yuan, and the output of grain was about 31.044 million tons. Heilongjiang’s agriculture played an important role in China. The level of agriculture mechanization is high, and the industry developed rapidly. Heilongjiang opened up comparatively late, but it has been developed dramatically. It had become an important base of agriculture and industry in its products such as marketable grains, woods, coals, oil and so on.
People's Life: Based on the statistics at the end of 1997, Heilongjiang had 27.126 million labor force, accounting for 72.3 percent of total population. Total wage bill of staff and workers was 38280 million Yuan, with the total value of insurance and welfare funds for on-job and no on-job staff and workers 10780.46 million Yuan. The net per capita income of rural households was 2308.3 Yuan, and on the average the wage bill of staff and workers was 4889 Yuan per person. The annual per capita income at urban and town residents' own disposal was up to 4090.7 Yuan. Per capita consumption of all residents on average was 3210 Yuan, and for rural residents 1702 Yuan, urban residents 5059 Yuan. In terms of health services for every 10000 people were facilitated with 32.3 hospital beds and 20.6 doctors or nurses.
Education: At the end of 1997, Heilongjiang had 37 universities with 115767 enrolled students and 15736 teaches, and 5954 middle schools with 4194845 students and 152402 teachers, and 15377 primary schools with 3705059 pupils and 214807 teachers. Heilongjiang people have relatively higher educational level than that of other regions with less illiterate and semi-illiterate. It is one of the provinces with relatively high population quality in education.