Study in Longshen, Guangxi Province

Longsheng and its neighboring areas, travel in ChinaLocation: locates between 10932' - 10014' north latitude and 2535' - 2617' east longitude, in the northeastern part of Guangxi
Neighboring Areas: Yunnan, Guizhou, Hunan and Guangdong provinces
Physical Features: densely covered with forests with a forestation rate of 76% and a forestation level of 94%
Population: 167,000
Area: 2,442 sq km
Nationalities: Han, Miao, Yao, Dong and Zhuang
History: the earliest county established in southern China
Climatic Features: situated in sub-tropical zone; monsoon climate with sufficient rainfall and frost-free of 314 days
Average Temperature: 18.1C
Rainfall: 1500-2400mm
Longsheng PeopleMountains: Hou (Monkey) Hill, Wujian (Five Swords) Hill, Xinzi Hill, Qipan (Chess Board) Hill
Rivers: Liujiang River
Products: gingko, long-stalk hairy beech and cephalotaxus fortunei
Local Highlights:
colorful mixture of Dong, Zhuang, Yao and Miao ethnic groups