Resident Permit Applicatin Procedures for Foreign Invested Enterprise Expatriates
A. Eligibility
Expatriates working in Beijing with Foreign Invested Enterprises and their accompanying family members, i.e. spouses, parents, children under 18.
B. Application Documents
1. Passport with current visa
2. Residence Registration Certificate in Beijing
3. Entry visa/Resident Permit Application Form with company chop
4. A recent 2-inch photo with pale blue background
5. Original of Health check-up report by Chinese Quarantine for foreign citizens over (including) 18 in case of first-time application for Resident Permit
6. Currently audited Business Licence of the company
7. Foreign Expert Certificate issued by State Foreign Expert Bureau, its affiliates, or Beijing Municipal Foreign Affairs Office, or Employment Licence issued by Beijing Municipal Labour & Social Welfare Bureau
8. Passport and Resident Permit of the expatriate for accompanying family members
9. Marriage certificate for accompanying spouse
10. Kinship certificate for accompanying children or parents
11. Incorporation Approval Certificate for the company's Investors, Legal Representatives, or Senior Executives (including Directors of the Board, General Manager, or Deputy General Manager who are foreign citizens) as well as Technical Personnel (such as Chief Accountant, Chief Economist, Chief Engineer or Project Engineers) who have entered China on an L (tourist) or F (business) visa
Note: Photocopies and the originals are required of the above listed documents.
C. Term of Validity
A two-year valid Resident Permit will be granted to Investors or Legal Representatives of the foreign enterprise and their accompanying family members; whilst that good for one year will be granted to other expatriates and their accompanying family members.
D. Time for Approval
Approval upon submission of requisite documents will take 5 workdays, which does not include Saturday when applications are collected.
E. Office Hours
08:30 - 16:30 Monday through to Saturday.
F. Address of Our Office
2 Andingmen Avenue (East), Dongcheng District, Beijing (Southeast of BeiXiaoJie Bridge, 2nd Ring Road).
Public transportation: BeiXiaoJie HuoKou Stop by Bus 44, 13, 116, 807, 117, 2special (Te-Er), or Lama Temple Station by Underground Line 2.
G. Visa/Resident Permit Rates
Please refer to [Visa Rates for Countries on Bilateral Treaties], [Visa Fee Rate for Countries not on Bilateral Treaties], and [Fee Regulations (2003) 392] promul gated by State Planning Board and Ministry of Finance.

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