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Tibetan Opera Boasts Prosper Development
Tibetan Opera |
Tibetan opera is an ancient traditional art form of Chinese ethnic minority. Hailed as "the living fossil of traditional Tibetan culture", it boasts a history of more than 600 years -- about 400 years longer than Peking Opera. It combines folk dance, singing with vocal performance.
Tibetan opera, wide in content and various in types of literature, has long been cherished by Tibetan people.
The pieces "Princess Wencheng", "Prince Nuosang" and "Drowa Sangmo" are played across Tibet Autonomous Region and its neighboring Tibetan-inhabited areas in provinces of Qinghai, Gansu and Sichuan.
Impacted by the modernization and globalization, Tibetan opera faces difficulty in development and preservation.
Taking the advantage of prevailing wind of intangible cultural heritage, Tibetan opera has entered into a fast as well as overall protection period. Some items were among the first batch of Chinese Intangible Cultural Heritage Protection List and more special funds were allocated to ensure an effective and sustaining preservation.
Studying of production, history, development of Tibetan opera has never stopped. Tibetan opera is also taught in some primary and middle schools to cultivate more professionals.
The ancient folk art is gradually coming to the public and acclaimed by domestic and foreign audiences outside Tibetan-inhabited areas while promotional performances across China and even the world are made. The Peking-Tibetan opera "Princess Wencheng" received raves when touring across the country.

Tibetan Opera Boasts Prosper
Tibetan Opera Tibetan opera is an ancient

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