Cupping tools |
Cupping is one of the TCM treatments that is based on the 'Meridian theory' of a human body. TCM believes that cupping results in two effects. On one hand it helps to remove any kind of stagnations and 'open' the Meridians that encourage 'Qi' movement in the body and internal organs thoroughly. On the other hand, it helps to rejuvenate certain meridians and organs that are not functioning at its optimal condition. Scientifically, this technique is known to help activate the lymphatic system, promote blood circulation and is a good method of deep tissue repair.
A partial vacuum is created within glass or bamboo cups by means of heat or suction and are applied to the areas along the Meridians. When the cup is left in place, blood stasis is formed by the suction. In some cases, the cup may be moved while the suction of skin is active, causing a regional pulling of the skin and muscle (the technique is called gliding cupping).
While cupping is an extremely effective treatment for colds, flu, for a wide variety of muscle strain injuries and for drawing out toxins, it does tend to leave large areas of bruising and depending on the severity of the injury can be uncomfortable for the patient.