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Banks in China

2012/8/14 0:00:00

Banks owned by the central government   Name Headquarters Agricultural Bank of China Beijing * Bank of China Beijing * Bank of Communications Shanghai China CITIC Bank Beijing China Construction Bank Beijing * China Development Bank Beijing Exim Bank of China Beijing Hua Xia Bank Beijing Industrial and Commercial Bank of China B...

Top 5 anti-aging foods.

2012/8/14 0:00:00

1 .Chocolates 2. Oranges 3. Nuts   4. Eggs 5.Broccoli          

Try Asking Yourself Five Questions and Be Best of Yourself

2012/8/13 0:00:00

Try asking yourself some or all of these questions at the end of every day. Doing so should help you to become a more successful and a better person:1. What was the best thing that happened to me today?What was it that made you particularly proud, happy or grateful? Was there a moment of joy or accomplishment?Relive the feeling for an instant. We want more of those moments in our lives so let’s ...

Grand Finale Brings Games to an End

2012/8/13 0:00:00

LONDON - London said farewell to the Olympic Games on Sunday with a high-octane romp through British pop music, bringing the curtain down on more than two weeks of action at the end of which the United States topped the sporting world with 46 gold medals.   A general view of the march of the athletes during the closing ceremony of the London 2012 Olympic Games at the Olympic Stadium Aug...

Food Culture in China

2012/8/10 0:00:00

Table Manners Dining culture is deeply rooted in China, a country that pays great attention to courtesy. Round tables are popular for Chinese to have dinner, because they can seat more people and are convenient for chat. A dinner must start after all the people are seated. Even if someone is late, people at the table must wait. When all the people are seated, the host should give an opening spe...

Subcommander Marcos is a Small Price to Pay for Sun Protection in Summer China

2012/8/10 0:00:00

On the beach in Qingdao, China, a risk of being confused with Subcommander Marcos is a small price to pay for sun protection. The masks, made of stretchy fabric commonly used in bathing suits, are catching on as beachwear in Qingdao, a German colony before World War I and home to the Tsingtao Brewery. Unwillingness to tan has long been part of Chinese culture.It was enough to make a trio o...

National Fitness Day Celebrated Around China

2012/8/9 0:00:00

Women practice yoga in Changchun, Jilin province, on Aug 8, 2012. Chinese people celebrate the fourth National Fitness Day with various sports exercises on Wednesday. Aug 8 was made the National Fitness Day by the State Council in 2009 to remember Beijing 2008 Olympics Games and meet growing demand for public sports, as well as to help people establish a healthy lifestyle with e...

Ministry of Health Launches Health TV

2012/8/7 0:00:00

China's top health authority has launched a TV channel, China Health Television, to promote health education and disease prevention.   The new channel so far has reached more than 200 million people in 70 cities on the mainland and is expected to cover rural areas soon, Health Minister Chen Zhu said at CHTV's launch on Monday.   "The channel will promote a healthy lifestyle and beh...

Experience of Cheap Trip in China

2012/8/6 0:00:00

When I returned to China with my husband and friends in 2001 (after living there for a couple years in the 90s), I almost forgot the lessons I had learned about travel on the cheap in China. I picked up the phone and called a state-run tourism company, looking to rent a minibus to take a group of us to the Great Wall for an overnight campout. When given the price, I translated it into dollars ...

Sweet Drinks May Cause Seven Diseases

2012/8/3 0:00:00

1. Kidney stonesStudies have shown that the consumption of sweet drinks has close relation with the risks of kidney stones and urinary tract stones. Sweet drinks will reduce the intake of calcium and potassium while increase the sucrose absorption, which may lead to kidney stones.   2. ObesityResearchers have proved that sweet drinks promote obesity, and less sweet drinks will be...

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