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2012 Top Six Most beautiful Churches for Foreigners in China

2012/8/30 0:00:00

1. Beijing Eastern Church In old times, a church was built in each cardinal direction in the city of Beijing, and the eastern one was Catholic East Church, or Wangfujing Catholic Church. 2. St. Sophia Church The St. Sophia Church in Harbin is the largest Eastern Orthodox Church in the Far East region. It is 53.35 meters high and occupies an area of 721 square meters and displays typic...

Which Banks Offer the Best Accounts for Foreigners?

2012/8/29 0:00:00

Banking in China can be nothing short of a headache, especially if you're an expat – long lines, rare English service, and the confusion over paperwork is just the beginning. But the simple fact is that some banks really are better than others. We take a look at China's "Big Four" state-owned banks – the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China (ICBC), Bank of China (BOC), China Construction Bank...

Be a Real Chinese From Now on

2012/8/27 0:00:00

You came all the way to China but most of your friends are English speaking expats. The Chinese friends you have managed to make are either your students or people who wish they were your students. You eat at the same place every day, usually a Western cafe, and when you go out at night you usually end up drinking Gin and Tonics with a bunch of Italians, Slovenians and Australians. You might not...

Twelve Constellations Lovers in Double-seven Day

2012/8/23 0:00:00

七夕节12星座的“英语情话”  1.Aquarius(the Water Carrier) (1.21-2.19)  You are the one I have been looking for.  2.Pisces(the Fishes)(2.20-3.20)  Okay. Let us try to be the luckiest couple on earth.  3.Aries(the Ram)(3.21-4.20)  Baby, will you be my valentine ? I will make you the happiest girl on earth.  4.Taurus(the Bull)4.21-5.21)  Would you like to go to movies, KTV, or just have a chat over a good meal...

Feeling of Foreigners Living in China

2012/8/22 0:00:00

I almost never experienced any "bad treatment" form Chinese people. They stare? Yes sometimes They do? So what? Does it hurt? ;) Smile to Them in reply.Many people yells "hallloooo". Problem? Reply them lauder "ni hao!". And smile :)All that They do, because of curiosity, and because we are little different then They. For me it is absolutely nothing wrong or unpleasent in it.If You are foreginer...

The Super Fan of Chinese Character

2012/8/22 0:00:00

    In these days, a super fan of Chinese character is popular online and obtains much attention for his dilemma. He is called "Uncle Hanzi".     Every Hanzi, for example, Chinese character, embodies a beautiful story. "Uncle Hanzi", a 62-year-old American living in China named Richard Sears, has spent all his savings to research the origins of Chinese characters and p...

How Foreigners can Set up a Company in China

2012/8/21 0:00:00

Setting up a company as a foreigner is not easy and there are many things to take into consideration and to prepare when starting a business in China. You have to prove to the government that you have enough start-up capital for one. Then you also haver to understand the whole tax system, the registration process and have a solid business plan. You should also have well thought out location, bus...

Football in China Ushers New Times With Maradona

2012/8/17 0:00:00

        Maradona, who led Argentina to the 1986 World Cup as a player and is regarded as one of the game's greatest ever, meets with Chinese FA boss Wei Di in Beijing on Thursday, August 16, 2012.   Argentine soccer great Diego Maradona has underlined his desire to coach in China after arriving in the country for an eight-day charity trip, local media rep...

Student Zhao Yunlei from HUST Won 2 Gold Medals in London Olympic Badminton Competition

2012/8/16 0:00:00

HUST alumna Zhao Yunlei and her partner Zhang Nan Zhao Yunlei and her parter Tian Qing   On the evenings of Aug. 3rd and 4th of Beijing Time, HUST student Zhao Yunlei won 2 gold medals in London Olympic badminton mixed doubles and women’s doubles.   In the mixed doubles, Zhao Yunlei and her partner Zhang Nan defeated another Chinese pair with 21:11 and 21:17. It was the ...

Old Beijing Hutong by a 27-years-old Spanish Photojournalist

2012/8/16 0:00:00

Miguel Candela is a 27-years-old Spanish photojournalist currently based in Hong Kong. Throughout his travels, Candela his striven to portray humanity through portraiture, recognizing that each individual has their own personal tale to tell. Candela photographs friends and strangers that he meets around the world in their natural environment. Sometimes the photos are close-up portraits, while ...

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