Regulation of HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control at Frontier Port ( Digest) for Students in Jiangsu Uni
Regulation of HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control at Frontier Port ( Digest) |
2012-11-27 |
l This regulation is enacted for the purpose of frontier HIV/AIDS prevention and control in order to ensure the public health. It is based on the Frontier Health and Quarantine Law of the People's Republic of China, its implementation regulation and the HIV/AIDS Prevention Regulation. l This regulation is applicable to the quarantining, monitoring, reporting, control and the propaganda of frontier HIV/AIDS l General Administration of Quality of Supervision, Inspection and Quarantine (AQSIQ hereafter)is responsible for the frontier HIV/AIDS prevention and control, including formulating the overall plan, organizing, coordinating and managing its execution at the frontier and boundary area across the country l AQSIQ has set up frontier offices locally. These offices shall formulate the detailed execution plan for the HIV/AIDS prevention at their controlled area. Their responsibilities include the quarantining, monitoring, reporting, controlling and the propaganda of the frontier HIV/AIDS l These offices shall cooperate with local government on HIV/AIDS prevention, for example, establishing cooperation mechanism with local health administration departments, local prevention and control organization, the public security department and the frontier inspection department; linking two systems together: the frontier HIV/AIDS monitoring system and local HIV/AIDS prevention system; monitoring and controlling the HIV infections and AIDS patients l These offices shall strengthen the propaganda of the frontier HIV/AIDS prevention, including providing consultancy and guidance to required entry travelers as well as setting up and publishing the assistance hotline l These offices shall strengthen the quarantining and supervising of entry travelers as well as microorganism, human tissue, biological products, blood and blood products (special products hereafter) l HIV infection travelers or AIDS patients should make a real declaration when they enter. Frontier. The inspection and quarantine offices shall check their health status, and inform the destination inspection and quarantine office as well as prevention department. l Chinese citizen who live abroad over a year shall take a physical examination. Or they could request a HIV/AIDS testing application form and go to frontier inspection and quarantine office or qualified hospital above county level for physical examination within one month l Chinese citizen who apply for exit for over a year and staff with Chinese passport who work on the conveyance of international voyage shall hold the valid physical examination report (covering HIV/AIDS test result) issued by inspection and quarantine offices or qualified hospital above county level. l Foreigners who apply for the residence permit shall take the physical examination at inspection and quarantine office and obtain the valid physical examination report with HIV/AIDS testing results. Then they could go to local public security department to apply for the residence permit Some Important Information about HIV and AIDS AIDS stands for Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome, a severe infectious disease with high death rate and there has been no vaccine so far, but still, it is preventable. AIDS is caused by infection with a virus called human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). This virus may be passed from one person to another when infected blood, semen, or vaginal secretions come in contact with an uninfected person’s broken skin or mucous membranes. In addition, infected pregnant women can pass HIV to their baby during pregnancy or delivery, as well as through breast-feeding. If someone is HIV-positive, it means they have been infected with the virus. A person infected with HIV does not have AIDS until the virus seriously damages their immune system, making them vulnerable to a range of infections, some of which can lead to death. The routine contacts, such as hand-shakings, hugging, kissing and sharing tools, as well as working with HIV positives in the same office or swimming together could not spread HIV. Mosquito bite can not spread HIV infections, either.
HIV Transmission Routes There are the ways in which HIV is known to be transmitted: l Contact of infected blood, semen, or vaginal and cervical secretions with mucous membranes. l Injection of infected blood or blood products . l Mother to baby (Perinatal) transmission (from infected mother to fetus; Breastfeeding-from an infected mother to an infant) .
HIV/AIDS Symptoms and Clinical Features Primary HIV infection is the first stage of HIV disease, when the virus first establishes itself in the body. Some people newly infected with HIV (1 to 6 weeks) will experience some "flu-like" symptoms. These symptoms, which usually last no more than a few days, might include fevers, chills, night sweats, weight loss, loss of appetite, and rashes (not cold-like symptoms), and some of the symptoms may disappear in 1 to 4 weeks after its primary infection. Other people either do not experience "acute infection," or have symptoms so mild that they may not notice them. It would take 2 to 10 years to of full-blown "AIDS" if HIV positive conditions left with no management. There are no common symptoms for individuals diagnosed with AIDS. When immune system damage is more severe, people may experience opportunistic infections. AIDS patient will suffer from consistent fever, chronic diarrhea, weight loss and fatigue, and consequently die of complex infections or maligned tumors. The clinical characteristics of AIDS are as followings: 1. Young adult aged 14 to 45 years old are the vulnerable group, which are active in sex, accounted for 80% odd of all the HIV positives and AIDS patients. 2. Some uncommon disease such as pneumocystosis carinii pneumonia (PCP), toxoplasmosis, fungal and untypical mycobacterium infections. 3. Extensive lymphadenopathy (swollen lymph nodes), particularly in neck, axilla and groin. The diameter of the swollen lymph nodes could exceed 1cm with the features of scleroid, mobility and painless. 4. Some complications like malignant tumors, such as Kaposi’s carcoma and lymphomas. 5. About 30% of the patients suffer from central-nervous system illness, for instance, severe headache and disturbance of consciousness. What should be done if doubting HIV infected? The status of HIV positive could only be determined by HIV antibody testing rather than physically signs felt or symptoms. There is about 2 to 12 weeks, called “window period” after exposure to HIV, and HIV antibody could hardly be tested serologically in this period of time. If someone suspects himself/herself is HIV attacked, it is necessary that he/she to get HIV antibody test at the International Travel Health Center of Entry-Exit Inspection and Quarantine Bureau, or any other medical services assigned by health authorities. HIV counseling and testing are available there with confidentiality for the test result. Through volunteering HIV counseling and testing, clients could get more health information, guidance and psychological support. It is beneficial not only to the individual itself, but also to the public in regarding to massive measures taken to protect others from HIV attack. Currently, some effective treatments like ARV are available which can greatly palliate symptom and prolong the life time with better quality. Nevertheless, there is no treatment can cure AIDS. Therefore, the best prevention of HIV infection is to protect oneself effectively and actively. How to prevent HIV Infection Effectively? To be aware of HIV transmission routes and measures for prevention is essential for one to prevent him/her from infection. One should to foster health and sound sexual philosophy and to keep the integrity. Should one experience unsafe sex, HIV antibody test is necessary at every three months interval to make certainty of previous HIV infection. The number of sexual partner should be reduced maximally, and whenever have sex, one should be consistently use condom with good quality. Never share needle, or syringe with someone else, and never share toothbrush, shaver or other tools which might be contaminated. While, it is also necessary to avoid using un-sterilized medical facilities for any surgical operation in beauty saloon or hospital. To avoid unnecessary blood transfusion and medical injection; and to be sure of using sterilized tools or facilities if this transfusion is necessary and inevitable; Pregnant woman with HIV positive should go through necessary medical procedures under the guidance of medical professionals or doctors. How can people living with HIV/AIDS (PLWHA) positives live a healthy life? If you are HIV positive, it is a wise decision for your family members and your children to be tested, as they might be free from HIV attack. It is of great importance to learn some skills about how to protect yourself and your family members, and to live a good life as the others. A psychological well-being is of help to your immunity. Try to stay in a relax condition, such as exercising Taiji, Qigong, enjoying a quite sitting, taking a walk or listening to music. To choose the ways which you are fond at for doing physical exercises, and stick on doing on each day, as it can improve your condition and immunity. Pay close attention to the nutrition, and take more protein. Try to join a appropriate PLWHA volunteer organization, where you can share your experience or un-bosom yourself. Care for the PLWHA without stigma or discrimination, as encouraging them to involve in HIV/AIDS prevention and control is an important strategy for containing HIV spreading. Both HIV positives and AIDS patients are the victims of this particular illness, and they should be treated with humanitarianism and compassions. Any stigma or discrimination to the people living with HIV or AIDS (PLWHA) not only impedes HIV/AIDS prevention and control, but also leads to social instability. AIDS patients, both are from rural dwellers and urban poverty residents who are not covered by the Urban Basic Medical Insurance could get free Antiretroviral Therapy (ART) treatment at the certain infectious disease hospitals or clinics particularly designed by the Ministry of Health. In accordance with the relevant laws and regulations, the Chinese government at all levels will provide the basic living subsidies to AIDS patients living in the poverty. Meanwhile, assistances will be given to those PLWHA who are capable of supplying themselves through productive activities. The local governments have, through different means, to provide AIDS orphans with psychological consulting services and let them enjoying the free education. It is important to encourage PLWHA to participate in HIV/AIDS prevention and control, as they are the main force in this regard. Communities and families should play an active role in enabling a supportive environment with amicability, understanding and health to PLWHA, and assist them to change their risk behaviors, live in a healthy life with positive attitude and actively participate in fighting against HIV/AIDS. It is a responsibility of the whole society for HIV/AIDS prevention and control. Currently, the HIV transmission in China has entered a phase of rapid spreading, as it is approaching the threshold of HIV spreading from the high risk groups to the general population. HIV/AIDS will bring severe adverse impact on economic growth, social stability, national security and prosperity if there are no timely and effective measures taken. The fundamental principle for HIV/AIDS prevention and control is: While giving the priority to prophylaxis for HIV infection, it is taking the integrated and comprehensive measures for HIV/AIDS prevention and medial care. The mission of HIV/AIDS prevention and control is by no mean of the one only to health sectors. It is necessary to enable social environment to fight against HIV/AIDS by setting up a cooperative mechanism with government taking the lead, multi-sector’s involvement as well as the whole society’s participation. The non-governmental organizations (NGOs) are the critical components of HIV/AIDS prevention and control, they are playing an important role in HIV/AIDS education, risk behavior intervention among the people who are at risk of HIV/AIDS, conducting campaigns for HIV/AIDS care and support for PLWHA. All the citizens should actively take part in the HIV/AIDS health education programs, and to learn the basic knowledge of HIV/AIDS, avoid risk behavior, and increase the awareness of self-protection, and also, to inform others what you have learnt about the basic knowledge or skills concerning HIV/AIDS prevention and control. Health education campaigns should also be developed among adolescents to prevent them from HIV/AIDS, other sexual transmitted diseases (STDs) and drug abuse. Besides, it is also of importance to develop puberty sex education and build up their life skills for the young adults. It is a common responsibility for every family, school, and community as well as the whole society to protect adolescents from the hazards of HIV/AIDS, STDs and drug abuse. |

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