Report of Education Statistics Volumn 1 No. 26 Department of Planning Ministry of Education Feb. 27, 2003
I. Education Development Level
1. Size of Education
Note: ①Education Population is the total number of Students and Teaching Staff
2. Enrollment Ratio of Schools by Level
(i) Net Enrollment Ratio of Primary Schools (Unit: %)
(ii) Gross Enrollment Ratio ①(Unit %)
Note: ① Gross enrollment refers to the percentage of total number of students at school to the population of school age students prescribed by the government;
② Junior secondary schools includes general junior and vocational junior
secondary schools;
③ Senior secondary schools includes general senior secondary schools, vocational senior secondary schools, adult senior secondary schools, regular specialized secondary schools, adult specialized secondary schools and skilled worker schools;
④ Higher education includes graduates education, regular institutions of higher educations undergraduates, adult institutions of higher education undergraduate, military institutions of higher education undergraduate, degree and diploma education, television higher education, self-taught higher education.
3. Promotion Rate of Regular School by Level and Type Graduates (Unit: %)
Note: ① The numerator in the promotion rate of junior sec. school graduates is the number of entrants to senior sec. schools, which includes the enrollment of regular senior sec. schools, vocational senior sec. schools, skilled worker schools, regular specialized sec. schools and普通中专举办的成人中专招收应届初中毕业生数及成人中专招收应届初中毕业生数。
② The promotion rate of senior sec. school graduates is the ratio of entrants number to higher education to the graduates number of senior sec. schools.
4. Number of Students per 100,000 Inhabitants by Level (unit: person)
Note: ① Higher education institutions includes regular higher education institutions and adult higher education institutions
② Senior sec. schools include regular senior sec. schools, vocational senior sec. schools, regular specialized sec. schools, skilled workers schools, adult specialized schools and adult senior sec. schools;
③ Junior sec. schools includes regular junior sec. schools and vocational junior sec. schools.
II. Infant Education
Pre-school education and special education has made great progress.
5. In 2002, there were 111,800 kindergartens, increased by 46, compared with last year. The enrollment of kindergartens and pre-school classes is 20,360,200, increased by 141,800, compared with last year. The number of masters and teachers in kindergartens totals 659,300, increased by 29,200 compared with last year.
6. In 2002, there were 1540 special education schools in China, increased by 9, compared with last year. The number of entrants and enrollment are 52900 and 374,500,decreased by 3100 and 11900 separately. 65.1% of the disabled students are enrolled in regular classes and 68.29% of the disabled students involved in special education receive their education in regular classes and the specially affiliated classes in regular schools.
III. Compulsory Education
New progress has been made in compulsory education. The school condition has been further improved.
7. By 2002, there were altogether 456,900 primary schools with an enrollment of 121,567,100 students, decreased by 34400 and 3867600 separately. The net enrollment rate of primary schools had reached 98.58%. The net enrollment rate of girl students is 98.53% and gender disparity is only 0.09. The rate of complete 5-year primary school is 98.8%, increased by 3.5 percentages. 97.02% of the graduates enjoyed the access to junior secondary schools, increased by 1.57 percentages.
8. There were 65,600 junior secondary schools, among which 984 were vocational junior secondary schools. The enrollment of junior secondary schools is 66,874,300 students (833,700 of which were vocational secondary school students), increased by 1,730,500. The gross enrollment rate of junior secondary schools had been raised to 90%, increased by 1.3 percentages. 58.3% of the junior secondary school graduates continue their study in senior secondary schools, increased by 5.4%.
9. There were 5,778,900 full-time teachers in primary schools, decreased by 18,800. The qualification rate of full time teachers is 97.39%, increased by 0.58%. The proportion of students to teachers is 21.04: 1; fell slightly compared with 21.64: 1 last year. There were 3,467,700 full-time teachers in junior secondary schools, including vocational secondary school teachers, increased by 82,000. The qualification rate of full-time teachers is 90.28%, increased by 1.56 percentages. The proportion of students to teachers is 19.29:1, keeping the same with that in last year.
10. There were 1,132,988,600 square meters of schoolhouse in regular primary and secondary schools in China, increased by 44,981,200 square meters , compared withlast year, including 53,903,300 square meters of building in danger of collapse, which is decreased by 5,267,500 square meters compared with last year. The ratios of junior secondary schools that can reach the standards in area of sports ground and gymnasium, disposition of musical instruments, artistic equipments, and mathematical and natural experimental equipments are separately 64.43%、52.46%、50.86%and 69.45%. The ratios of primary schools that can reach the standards in these four aspects are 48.79%、37.70%、35.69% and 49.37%. Except that the ratio of junior secondary schools that can reach the standard in area of sports ground and gymnasium is slightly decreased, the other ratios are all increased compared with last year.
11. Large class in junior secondary schools is increased and it has been in growth for several years. There are altogether 1,165,100 classes in junior secondary schools, among which there are 3,221,000 large classes (56- 65 students per class), increased by 7,400 compared with last year, accounting for 27.65% in all classes and there are 272,400 super-large classes (over 65 students per class), increased by 26,900 compared with last year, accounting for 23.38% in all classes.
IV. Education in Senior High School Stage
Education in senior high school stage is developed rapidly.
12. In 2002, the whole education in senior high school stage (including senior high school, vocational high school, adult high school, common special secondary schools, adult special secondary schools and technical school) includes 33,200 schools, decreased by 1027 compared with last year. All these schools enroll 117,692,000 new students, increased by 1,889,300 (19.12%) compared with last year. There are 29,138,500 students at school, increased by 3,129,200 (12.03%). The gross enrollment ratio reaches 42.8% in senior high school stage.
13. The common senior high schools are developed rather rapidly. There are 15,400 common senior high schools, increased by 499 compared with last year. They enroll 6,767,000 new students, increased by 1,187,200 (21.28%). There are 16,838,100 students at school, increased by 2,788,400 (19.85%).
14. The middle vocational education is developed steadily. There are 16,300 middle vocational schools in the country (including vocational high school, common special school, adult special school and technical school), decreased by 1266 compared with last year. They enroll 4,697,300 new students, increased by 697,900 compared with last year. There are 11,965,200 students at school, increased by 315,800 compared with last year. The numbers of new students enrolled and students at school in middle vocational education account for 39.91% and 41.06% in the whole senior high school stage education.
15. There are 946,000 full-time teachers in common senior high schools, increased by 106,000. The student-teacher ratio is 17.80:1, which is increased to some extent compared with 16.73:1 in last year. The qualification proportion of record of formal schooling of full-time teachers is 69.28%, decreased slightly compared with last year. There are 272,700 full-time teachers in vocational high schools, increased by 4,100. The student-teacher ratio is 15.70:1, increased to some extent compared with 14.26:1 in last year. There are 207,800 full-time teachers in common special schools, decreased by 22,200 compared with last year. The student-teacher ratio is 21.96:1, increased to some extent compared with 19.91:1 in last year.
V. Higher Education
16. Higher education continues to develop rapidly. In 2002, the whole scale of higher education reaches 16,000,000 people and the gross enrollment rate of higher education reaches 15%.
The national higher education enrolls 5,428,200 students including undergraduate students, students in higher vocational colleges and non-universities tertiary, among which common higher education enrolls 3,205,000 students and adult higher education enrolls 2,223,200 students, increased by 522,200 (19.46%) and 263,900 (13.47%) compared with last year. The number of undergraduates in regular, adult and vocational higher education institutions is 14,625,200,among which 9,033,600 are in common higher education institutions and 5,591,600 in adult higher education institutions, increased by 1,629,800 (25.63%) and 1,031,800 (22.63%) separately compared with last year.
Postgraduate education is developed very quickly. Higher education institutions and research institutions enroll 202,600 postgraduates, increased by 37,400 (22.65%) compared with last year. There are 501,000 postgraduates in study, increased by 107,800 compared with last year.
17. The disposition and structure of higher education institutions are further optimized, the scale of higher education is extended and the benefits of running a school is distinctly improved.
There are 2,003 higher education institutions in the country, among which there are 1,396 common higher education institutions, increased by 171 compared with last year. Among common higher education institutions, there are 629 undergraduate universities, increased by 32 compared with last year and there are 607 adult higher education institutions, decreased by 79 compared with last year. There are altogether 728 units that can foster postgraduates and the number is the same as that of last year.
The average scale of common higher education institutions(full-time 本专科在校生)increased from 5,870 students last year to 6,471 students this year. Among it, the scale of undergraduate universities is increased from 8,730 students last year to 10,454 students this year and the scale of higher vocational colleges (non-university tertiary) is increased from 2,337 students last year to 2,523 students this year.
18. The building area of schoolhouse of common higher education institutions is 303,362,700 square meters (The property right belongs to schools), increased by 43,800,00 square meters compared with last year. There is also an area of 22,953,400 square meters that common higher education institutions can use independently but do not have the property right. The total building area of schoolhouse of adult higher education institutions is 34,149,300 square meters (The property right belongs to schools), increased by 896,000 square meters compared with last year. There is also an area of 2,492,000 square meters that adult higher education institutions can use independently but do not have the property right.
VI. Adult Training and Eliminating Literacy Education
19. Adult training is flourishing. In 2002, there are 89,90,00 people completing a course in all kinds of adult non-record of formal schooling education held by various schools in the country. At present, there are about 63,000,000 people who are accepting various training. There are 389,500 adult technical training schools that can train 8,1188,000 people the whole year.
20. In 2002, the number of illiterate eradication is 1,744,500.
VII. Education Run by the Local People
21. Education run by the local people is developed vigorously. In 2002, there are 61,200 schools of various grades and kinds, increased by 5,000 compared with last year. The whole scale of students at school reaches 11,159,700, increased by 2,085,600 compared with last year. Among them, there are 1,202 higher education institutions run by the local people and the number of registered students reaches 1,403,500, increased by 273,100 compared with last year. 其中学历文凭试点学生31.12万人,自考助学班学生53.05万人。(另,具有学历教育资格的民办高校133所、在校生31.98万人已统计在第五部分高等教育数据中)。There are 5,326 common middle schools run by the local people, increased by 791 compared with last year. The number of students at school reaches 3,059,100, increased by 730,400 compared with last year. There are 1,085 vocational middle schools run by the local people, increased by 45 compared with last year. Its number of students at school reaches 470,500, increased by 93,200 compared with last year. There are 5,122 primary schools run by the local people, increased by 276 compared with last year. Its number of students reaches 2,221,400, increased by 40,300 compared with last year. There are 48,400 kindergartens run by the local people, increased by 3,900 compared with last year. The number of students at kindergarten reaches 4,005,200, increased by 585,900 compared with last year.
Attached Charts:
1. Basic Statistics of Regular Schools in China by Level and Type in 2002
2. Basic Statistics of Adult Schools in China by Level and Type in 2002

I. Education Development Level
1. Size of Education
Note: ①Education Population is the total number of Students and Teaching Staff
2. Enrollment Ratio of Schools by Level
(i) Net Enrollment Ratio of Primary Schools (Unit: %)
(ii) Gross Enrollment Ratio ①(Unit %)
Note: ① Gross enrollment refers to the percentage of total number of students at school to the population of school age students prescribed by the government;
② Junior secondary schools includes general junior and vocational junior
secondary schools;
③ Senior secondary schools includes general senior secondary schools, vocational senior secondary schools, adult senior secondary schools, regular specialized secondary schools, adult specialized secondary schools and skilled worker schools;
④ Higher education includes graduates education, regular institutions of higher educations undergraduates, adult institutions of higher education undergraduate, military institutions of higher education undergraduate, degree and diploma education, television higher education, self-taught higher education.
3. Promotion Rate of Regular School by Level and Type Graduates (Unit: %)
Note: ① The numerator in the promotion rate of junior sec. school graduates is the number of entrants to senior sec. schools, which includes the enrollment of regular senior sec. schools, vocational senior sec. schools, skilled worker schools, regular specialized sec. schools and普通中专举办的成人中专招收应届初中毕业生数及成人中专招收应届初中毕业生数。
② The promotion rate of senior sec. school graduates is the ratio of entrants number to higher education to the graduates number of senior sec. schools.
4. Number of Students per 100,000 Inhabitants by Level (unit: person)
Note: ① Higher education institutions includes regular higher education institutions and adult higher education institutions
② Senior sec. schools include regular senior sec. schools, vocational senior sec. schools, regular specialized sec. schools, skilled workers schools, adult specialized schools and adult senior sec. schools;
③ Junior sec. schools includes regular junior sec. schools and vocational junior sec. schools.
II. Infant Education
Pre-school education and special education has made great progress.
5. In 2002, there were 111,800 kindergartens, increased by 46, compared with last year. The enrollment of kindergartens and pre-school classes is 20,360,200, increased by 141,800, compared with last year. The number of masters and teachers in kindergartens totals 659,300, increased by 29,200 compared with last year.
6. In 2002, there were 1540 special education schools in China, increased by 9, compared with last year. The number of entrants and enrollment are 52900 and 374,500,decreased by 3100 and 11900 separately. 65.1% of the disabled students are enrolled in regular classes and 68.29% of the disabled students involved in special education receive their education in regular classes and the specially affiliated classes in regular schools.
III. Compulsory Education
New progress has been made in compulsory education. The school condition has been further improved.
7. By 2002, there were altogether 456,900 primary schools with an enrollment of 121,567,100 students, decreased by 34400 and 3867600 separately. The net enrollment rate of primary schools had reached 98.58%. The net enrollment rate of girl students is 98.53% and gender disparity is only 0.09. The rate of complete 5-year primary school is 98.8%, increased by 3.5 percentages. 97.02% of the graduates enjoyed the access to junior secondary schools, increased by 1.57 percentages.
8. There were 65,600 junior secondary schools, among which 984 were vocational junior secondary schools. The enrollment of junior secondary schools is 66,874,300 students (833,700 of which were vocational secondary school students), increased by 1,730,500. The gross enrollment rate of junior secondary schools had been raised to 90%, increased by 1.3 percentages. 58.3% of the junior secondary school graduates continue their study in senior secondary schools, increased by 5.4%.
9. There were 5,778,900 full-time teachers in primary schools, decreased by 18,800. The qualification rate of full time teachers is 97.39%, increased by 0.58%. The proportion of students to teachers is 21.04: 1; fell slightly compared with 21.64: 1 last year. There were 3,467,700 full-time teachers in junior secondary schools, including vocational secondary school teachers, increased by 82,000. The qualification rate of full-time teachers is 90.28%, increased by 1.56 percentages. The proportion of students to teachers is 19.29:1, keeping the same with that in last year.
10. There were 1,132,988,600 square meters of schoolhouse in regular primary and secondary schools in China, increased by 44,981,200 square meters , compared withlast year, including 53,903,300 square meters of building in danger of collapse, which is decreased by 5,267,500 square meters compared with last year. The ratios of junior secondary schools that can reach the standards in area of sports ground and gymnasium, disposition of musical instruments, artistic equipments, and mathematical and natural experimental equipments are separately 64.43%、52.46%、50.86%and 69.45%. The ratios of primary schools that can reach the standards in these four aspects are 48.79%、37.70%、35.69% and 49.37%. Except that the ratio of junior secondary schools that can reach the standard in area of sports ground and gymnasium is slightly decreased, the other ratios are all increased compared with last year.
11. Large class in junior secondary schools is increased and it has been in growth for several years. There are altogether 1,165,100 classes in junior secondary schools, among which there are 3,221,000 large classes (56- 65 students per class), increased by 7,400 compared with last year, accounting for 27.65% in all classes and there are 272,400 super-large classes (over 65 students per class), increased by 26,900 compared with last year, accounting for 23.38% in all classes.
IV. Education in Senior High School Stage
Education in senior high school stage is developed rapidly.
12. In 2002, the whole education in senior high school stage (including senior high school, vocational high school, adult high school, common special secondary schools, adult special secondary schools and technical school) includes 33,200 schools, decreased by 1027 compared with last year. All these schools enroll 117,692,000 new students, increased by 1,889,300 (19.12%) compared with last year. There are 29,138,500 students at school, increased by 3,129,200 (12.03%). The gross enrollment ratio reaches 42.8% in senior high school stage.
13. The common senior high schools are developed rather rapidly. There are 15,400 common senior high schools, increased by 499 compared with last year. They enroll 6,767,000 new students, increased by 1,187,200 (21.28%). There are 16,838,100 students at school, increased by 2,788,400 (19.85%).
14. The middle vocational education is developed steadily. There are 16,300 middle vocational schools in the country (including vocational high school, common special school, adult special school and technical school), decreased by 1266 compared with last year. They enroll 4,697,300 new students, increased by 697,900 compared with last year. There are 11,965,200 students at school, increased by 315,800 compared with last year. The numbers of new students enrolled and students at school in middle vocational education account for 39.91% and 41.06% in the whole senior high school stage education.
15. There are 946,000 full-time teachers in common senior high schools, increased by 106,000. The student-teacher ratio is 17.80:1, which is increased to some extent compared with 16.73:1 in last year. The qualification proportion of record of formal schooling of full-time teachers is 69.28%, decreased slightly compared with last year. There are 272,700 full-time teachers in vocational high schools, increased by 4,100. The student-teacher ratio is 15.70:1, increased to some extent compared with 14.26:1 in last year. There are 207,800 full-time teachers in common special schools, decreased by 22,200 compared with last year. The student-teacher ratio is 21.96:1, increased to some extent compared with 19.91:1 in last year.
V. Higher Education
16. Higher education continues to develop rapidly. In 2002, the whole scale of higher education reaches 16,000,000 people and the gross enrollment rate of higher education reaches 15%.
The national higher education enrolls 5,428,200 students including undergraduate students, students in higher vocational colleges and non-universities tertiary, among which common higher education enrolls 3,205,000 students and adult higher education enrolls 2,223,200 students, increased by 522,200 (19.46%) and 263,900 (13.47%) compared with last year. The number of undergraduates in regular, adult and vocational higher education institutions is 14,625,200,among which 9,033,600 are in common higher education institutions and 5,591,600 in adult higher education institutions, increased by 1,629,800 (25.63%) and 1,031,800 (22.63%) separately compared with last year.
Postgraduate education is developed very quickly. Higher education institutions and research institutions enroll 202,600 postgraduates, increased by 37,400 (22.65%) compared with last year. There are 501,000 postgraduates in study, increased by 107,800 compared with last year.
17. The disposition and structure of higher education institutions are further optimized, the scale of higher education is extended and the benefits of running a school is distinctly improved.
There are 2,003 higher education institutions in the country, among which there are 1,396 common higher education institutions, increased by 171 compared with last year. Among common higher education institutions, there are 629 undergraduate universities, increased by 32 compared with last year and there are 607 adult higher education institutions, decreased by 79 compared with last year. There are altogether 728 units that can foster postgraduates and the number is the same as that of last year.
The average scale of common higher education institutions(full-time 本专科在校生)increased from 5,870 students last year to 6,471 students this year. Among it, the scale of undergraduate universities is increased from 8,730 students last year to 10,454 students this year and the scale of higher vocational colleges (non-university tertiary) is increased from 2,337 students last year to 2,523 students this year.
18. The building area of schoolhouse of common higher education institutions is 303,362,700 square meters (The property right belongs to schools), increased by 43,800,00 square meters compared with last year. There is also an area of 22,953,400 square meters that common higher education institutions can use independently but do not have the property right. The total building area of schoolhouse of adult higher education institutions is 34,149,300 square meters (The property right belongs to schools), increased by 896,000 square meters compared with last year. There is also an area of 2,492,000 square meters that adult higher education institutions can use independently but do not have the property right.
VI. Adult Training and Eliminating Literacy Education
19. Adult training is flourishing. In 2002, there are 89,90,00 people completing a course in all kinds of adult non-record of formal schooling education held by various schools in the country. At present, there are about 63,000,000 people who are accepting various training. There are 389,500 adult technical training schools that can train 8,1188,000 people the whole year.
20. In 2002, the number of illiterate eradication is 1,744,500.
VII. Education Run by the Local People
21. Education run by the local people is developed vigorously. In 2002, there are 61,200 schools of various grades and kinds, increased by 5,000 compared with last year. The whole scale of students at school reaches 11,159,700, increased by 2,085,600 compared with last year. Among them, there are 1,202 higher education institutions run by the local people and the number of registered students reaches 1,403,500, increased by 273,100 compared with last year. 其中学历文凭试点学生31.12万人,自考助学班学生53.05万人。(另,具有学历教育资格的民办高校133所、在校生31.98万人已统计在第五部分高等教育数据中)。There are 5,326 common middle schools run by the local people, increased by 791 compared with last year. The number of students at school reaches 3,059,100, increased by 730,400 compared with last year. There are 1,085 vocational middle schools run by the local people, increased by 45 compared with last year. Its number of students at school reaches 470,500, increased by 93,200 compared with last year. There are 5,122 primary schools run by the local people, increased by 276 compared with last year. Its number of students reaches 2,221,400, increased by 40,300 compared with last year. There are 48,400 kindergartens run by the local people, increased by 3,900 compared with last year. The number of students at kindergarten reaches 4,005,200, increased by 585,900 compared with last year.
Attached Charts:
1. Basic Statistics of Regular Schools in China by Level and Type in 2002
2. Basic Statistics of Adult Schools in China by Level and Type in 2002
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