[Audio]Chinese conversation:Compellation exchange <2>
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3. 替换与扩展 —— Replacement and extension
替换 —— Replacement
Woman: 我认识你。 —— I know you.
Woman: 我认识他。 —— I know him.
Woman: 我认识那个学生。 —— I know that student.
Woman: 我认识玛丽。 —— I know Marie.
Woman: 我认识他们老师。 —— I know their teacher.
Woman: 我认识这个人。 —— I know this people (man/woman).
Woman: 他是老师吗? —— Is he a teacher?
Man: 他不是老师。他是学生。 —— He is not a teacher. He is a student.
Woman: 他是大夫吗? —— Is he doctor?
Man: 他不是大夫。他是留学生。 —— He is not a doctor. He is a overseas(foreign) student.
Woman: 她是你妹妹吗? —— Is she your younger sister?
Man: 她不是我妹妹。她是我朋友。—— She is not my younger sister. She is my friend.
Woman: 他是你朋友吗? —— Is he your friend?
Man: 他不是我朋友。他是我哥哥。 —— He is not my friend. He is my elder brother.扩展 —— Extension
Man: 我不认识那个人。她叫什么? —— I don't know that woman. What's her name?(who is she?)
Woman: 她叫玛丽。—— She is Marie.
Man: 她是美国人吗? —— Is she an American?
Woman: 是,她是美国人。 —— Yes, she is an American.
Pronunciation & meanings
language structure characters pinyin(Chinese Pronunciation) phonetic symbol meanings word 认识 ren shi [ren] [Fr] know
word 这个 zhe ge [dVe] [ge] this
word 那个 na ge [na:] [ge] that
word 人 ren [ren] people,human
word 老师 lao shi [lau] [Fr] teacher
word 学生 xue sheng [FuE] [FenN] student
word 留学生 liu xue sheng [liu] [FuE] [FenN] overseas student, foreign student
phrase 他们(的)老师 ta men (de) lao shi [ta:] [men] ([de]) [lau] [Fr] their teacher
word 大夫 dai fu [dai] [fu] doctor
word 哥哥 ge ge [ge] [ge] elder brother
word 妹妹 mei mei [mei] [mei] younger sister
word 朋友 peng you [penN] [jEu] friend
word 他 ta [ta:] he, him
word 她 ta [ta:] she, her
word 他们/她们/它们 ta men [ta:] [men] they
word 美国 mei guo [mei] [guR] America, U.S, U.S.A
word 美国人 mei guo ren [mei] [guR] [ren] American
phrase 这个人 zhe ge ren [dVe] [ge] [ren] this people(man/woman)
short sentence 我认识XX。 wo ren shi XX [wR:] [ren] [Fr] XX I know XX(him/it/Marie/this man).
short sentence 他是XX吗? ta shi XX ma [ta:] [Fr] XX [ma:] Is he XX (a student/Marie)?
short sentence 他不是XX。 ta bu shi XX [ta:] [bu:] [Fr] XX He is not XX (a teacher/Tom).
short sentence 他是XX。 ta shi XX [ta:] [Fr] XX He is XX (a doctor/Jack).
short sentence 我不认识XX。 wo bu ren shi XX [wR:] [bu:] [ren] [Fr] XX I don't know XX(Marie/this thing).
short sentence 他(她)叫什么? ta jiao shen me [ta:] [dViau] [Fen] [me] What's his/her name? (who is him/her?)

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