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Suzhou Gardens

Suzhou is famous for its classical gardens, which merge the beauty of the nature, architecture and painting. Rocks, flowers and trees are cleverly interspersed among pavilions, terraces, open halls, winding paths and corridors.

Gardens open to the public include the Blue-Wave Pavilion of the Song Dynasty, the Lion-Grove Garden of the Yuan Dynasty, the Humble Administrator's Garden, Linger-Here Garden, Art Garden, Happiness Garden and Huanxiu Mountain Villa of the Ming Dynasty.

On December 4, 1997, some of Suzhou's classical gardens, i.e., the Humble Administrator's Garden, Linger-in Garden, Lion-Grove Garden and Huanxiu Mountain Villa, were put on the UNESCO's World Heritage List. In November 2000, the Lion-Grove Garden, Art Garden, Ou Garden, Blue-Wave Pavilion and Tuisi Garden were listed as the world cultural heritages.