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Chinese Gongfu Terms

中国功夫术语 Chinese Gongfu Terms

Aerial cartwheel 侧空?BR>
Any two person set 任何一套对?BR>
Any two weapon forms 任何两套器械套路

Applications 实用技?BR>
Back arc kick 后撩?BR>
Back roll over 挺身向后肩颈?BR>
Backward floor sweep kick 后扫堂腿

Backward roll 后滚?BR>
Balance on the shoulder and arms 肩倒立

Balance while leaning back and extending one leg 仰身平衡

Balance while leaning forward and extending one leg 探海平衡

Balance with one knee up 提膝亮掌平衡

Balance with one knee up 提膝平衡

Balance with one leg crossed behind 勾腿平衡

Balance with one leg crossed behind 勾腿平衡

Balance with one leg crossed over –盘腿平?BR>
Balance with one leg extended behind 卧云平衡

Balance with the back leg hooked up 望月平衡

Basic sanshou training 初级散手练习

Beat step 击步

Black dragon coils around the pillar and stand up 乌龙绞柱

Black dragon wraps around the post –乌龙绞?BR>
Bow stance - 弓步

Bow step punch fist 弓冲拳步

Broadsword 刀?BR>
Butterfly kick 旋子

Butterfly twist 旋子转体 360 °

Carp flip 鲤鱼打挺

Carp kip-up 鲤鱼打挺

Cartwheel 侧手?BR>
Chang Quan 长拳

Circular walking step 弧行?BR>
Cross behind step 插步

Cross over step 盖步

Crossed legged sitting stance - 坐盘

Drilling fist 钻拳

Empty stance - 虚步

Fan Zi Quan 翻子拳鹰爪拳 or Eagle Claw

Fish jump (yu yue) 鱼跃

Five Stances Form (Wu Bu Quan) 五拳?BR>
Forms 套路

Forward drop 栽碑

Forward floor sweep kick 前扫堂腿

Forward floor sweep kick (full circle) into jumping front kick 前扫堂腿接二起脚

Forward front kick 正踢?BR>
Forward head flip (tou fan) 头翻

Forward head flip with hands 头手?BR>
Forward roll 前滚?BR>
Free style sanshou combat training 自由散手对坑练习

Front fist jab 前手冲拳

Front fist side hook 前手贯拳

Front fist upper cut - 前手抄拳

Grinder kick (Mo pan tui) 磨盘?BR>
group can choose any 10 techniques 传统组完成任何个动作 10 )

Half horse stance - 半马?BR>
Half-squat stance - 仆步

Hammer fist 劈拳

Head stand 三角倒立

Heel kick 蹬腿

High back sweep kick –后高扫?BR>
Hong Quan 红拳拳查 or Cha Quan

Horse kick 厥子?BR>
Horse stance - 马步

Horse stance punch fist 马冲拳步

Inserting fist 插拳

Inside crescent falling kick 盘腿?BR>
Inside crescent kick 里合?BR>
International competition forms:

Jump both legs side kick - 腾空双侧踹脚

Jump both legs spring kick forward 腾空双打

Jump double forward heel kick - 腾空双蹬?BR>
Jump flying kick 二起?BR>
Jump flying kick (kick higher than shoulder and land on right leg) 腾空飞脚

Jump flying kick with right leg landing 腾空飞脚

Jump heel kick 腾空蹬腿

Jump side kick - 腾空侧踹?BR>
Jump side kick - 腾空侧踹

Jump spring kick 腾空箭弹

Jumping flying kick 腾空飞腿

Kicks 腿法

Kun Wu Jian 昆武?BR>
Lean back heel kick (yang shen deng tui) 仰身蹬腿

Lean back kick (dian tui) 点腿

Lifting fist 挑拳

Low cut kick 下踹?BR>
Low hook kick 勾踢?BR>
Nan Quan 南拳

Outside crescent (Lotus) kick –外摆腿摆莲

Planting fist 栽拳

Praying Mantis 螳螂拳通臂?or Tong Bei Quan (Long arm ape form)

Pubu chuan zhang 仆穿掌步

Pubu lunbi 仆抡拍步

Punches 拳法

Rear fist jab 后手冲拳

Rear fist side hook 后手贯拳

Rear fist upper cut - 后手抄拳

Resting stance - 歇步

Reverse arch kick 倒踢

Sanshou Application Form (Xiao Yao Quan) 逍遥拳散手实用拳

Sanshou Dao Long Fist 散手道长?BR>
Scooping fist 撩拳

Shoulder roll 抢背

Side drop 侧跌

Side front kick 侧踢?BR>
Side kick with heel 侧蹬?BR>
Side spring kick 侧弹腿鞭?BR>
Six Combination Form (Liu He Quan) 六合?BR>
Slap toe kick 正飞?BR>
Spear 枪术

Spear palm while in half-squat stance 仆穿掌步

Spearing fist 耳后穿拳

Spinning horizontal back fist 鞭拳,转身反背?BR>
Spinning lotus kick 转身摆莲

Spinning outside crescent kick with two legs landing at the same time -腾空摆莲(双同时落地脚)

Spinning outside cresent kick into splits - 腾空摆莲接劈?BR>
Spinning outward crescent kick - 腾空摆莲

Splits 劈叉

Spring (snap) kick 弹腿

Spring horizontal back fist 弹拳崩拳

Staff 棍术

Stances 法步

Step kick (Cai tui) 腿踩

Swallow while leaning forward and extending one leg 燕式平衡

Swing the arms 抡臂

Sword 剑术

T stance - 丁步

Tian Gang Quan 天罡?BR>
Tornado kick 简易旋风脚

Tornado kick (land on right leg) 旋风脚右落地?BR>
Tornado kick into splits -旋风接劈叉脚

Tornado kick with two legs landing at the same time 旋风腿双同时落地?BR>
Turn body into crossed leg sitting stance 翻腰坐盘

Turn waist over 翻腰

Vertical strike with heart fist 盖拳

Wushu Basic Techniques武术基本?BR>
Wushu movements 武术动作

Yan Qing Quan 燕青?BR>