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Hunan Flower-drum Opera

This is the general name for all the local flower-drum operas and lantern operas in Hunan province. They are divided into Changsha Flowerdrum Opera, Hengyang Flower-drum Opera, Shaoyang Flower-drum Opera, and others, which have different styles.

The Hunan Flowerdrum Opera developed from Hunan folk songs, and from one female role and a clown role to three singing roles. There are about 400 plays in the flower-drum repertoire, and over 300 tunes. These plays can be divided, according to their structure and musical style, into Sichuan Tune, Daluo Tune, Paizi and Xiaodiao.

They all feature straightforward melodies and rich folk flavor. The famous actors include Liao Chunshan, Wang Yousheng and Zhang Shushen.