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Chinese painting exhibition opens near Rome
By admin on 2014-12-26

    The Chinese painting exhibition "Song Gang & Wu Song, Chinese Avant-Gardes at Aprilia's Manz Hall" opened in a town near Italian city Rome on Sunday and will run till Jan. 18.

    The exposition, held by Aprilia's local authorities at the public library, is hosting about 35 works of art of leading Chinese contemporary artists Song Gang and Wu Song.

    The paintings can be divided in two categories: a set of black and white water and ink abstract code signs by Song Gang, and brightly colored drawings showing natural and nude scenes made by Wu Song. The opening ceremony was attended by Song Gang and Aprilia's Culture Councilor Patricia Renzi, who highlighted the importance of organizing such an exposition.

    "I am very enthusiastic, it's a great opportunity to host world-famous artists and to spread awareness on Chinese contemporary art," she told Xinhua.

    This year is set to be crucial for Sino-Italian ties, marking the 40th anniversary of diplomatic relations. In May the Shanghai Expo will open and Italy is preparing to host in September the Chinese culture year, with many towns taking part in the event.

    "These paintings represent specific personal and historic moments, which though being far away in space and time thanks to the exhibition they are felt closer. After all, art is universal," Renzi added.

    The councilor also said she admired the artists' courage in presenting their works independently from the public they had in front, noting that "not all have such a sensibility."

    "I really appreciate Song Gang and Wu Song's desire to communicate with the Italian public, who might have a very limited knowledge of Chinese avant-garde."

    The exposition, she added, represents as well an opportunity to reach out to Aprilia's multi-ethnic population and pave the way for further contacts with China.

    Vincenzo Cucciardi, curator of the event, said Aprilia was a small town but had "a great thirst of culture."

    "Chinese people like Song Gang are very integrated here. Aprilia is an open town welcoming everybody and many of our firms are present in China," he said.

    Cucciardi announced that Aprilia will be present at Shanghai Expo and participate in the Chinese culture year in Italy.

    Song Gang, one of the greatest Chinese avant-garde artists, lives in Italy for many years together with his family.

    His most famous painting, "Diary," was first exposed at an exhibition of China's modern arts in Beijing in February 1989. Song later participated in several world exhibitions of contemporary art. In May he is expected to take part in Shanghai Expo.

    "This exposition is very important," he said. "Interest in Chinese avant-garde art is growing today not only abroad but also in China."

    The Chinese avant-garde, officially launched in 1979, is an experimental art form moving away from tradition and representing a new generation. 

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