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CCB’s Culture
By admin on 2014-12-11

□ CCB’s Strategic  Vsion   We seek to become a  world-class bank by providing the best service to our customers, maximizing  shareholders value and offering excellent career opportunities to our employees.   □ CCB’s Mission   CCB Builds Modern Living.   □ CCB Essence   Teamwork, professionalism,  innovation, and contribution. □ CCB Style   Faith, assiduity, truth, and  motivation. □ Employee Motto  Be professional, be true, be  prudent, and be excellent. □ Employee Reminder   My minor negligence may cause  great trouble for the client;   My trivial mistake may cause  great loss for the CCB.   Greed, depravation, and  corruption will bring shame to myself, my family, and my CCB.

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