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Training Method of Wing Chun Kung Fu
By admin on 2014-12-16

Wing Chun Practice  

In most martial arts schools, many elements of traditional training have been removed whether it is to keep class numbers higher if it is easier or in some cases just to hide the ineffectiveness of the system as a whole or the poor teaching of the instructor.


We still practice the traditional elements of Wing Chun. In fact we have added modern training elements such as realistic impact training, contact sparring & conditioning. All aspects of our style of Wing Chun are highly evolved to make it more effective, incorporating improved foot work, realistic applications into form training to recapture their importance.


In our classes you will never be asked to do something that has no purpose to your development as a fighter. 


Some of the modern trainings you will practise include:

Strength & Conditioning Drills/Exercises

Shadow boxing & Skipping

Pad work

Bag training

Aggression drills

Ring Craft

Ground Work / Takedown defence


Some of the traditional trainings you will participate in include:

Wooden Dummy Training

Form training, Wing Chun only has 3 main forms (Traditional Shadow Boxing)

Chi Sao (Sticky Hands, drills to help your touch reflexes and improve striking in contact and clinch ranges)


Weapons Training

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