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Old Cucumber Soup with Azuki Beans and Lentil
By admin on 2015-01-30

Chinese Name: 老黄瓜赤小豆扁豆汤       


This old cucumber soup is a Chinese classic that is ideal for the wet and stuffy spring season.  It helps eliminate body moisture and heat and has a hiuretic effect on the body.  The lentil and beans are great consumption protein for children and it is healthy to drink for the whole family.  I particularly like the sweet, clean flavour of the soup that the old cucumber brings.

What Ingredients are required?

1 medium-sized old cucumber
1 pound of fresh pork bones
80g of azuki beans
80g of lentil
3-4 large dried dates
1 piece of dried tangerine peel
2-3 L of water
1-2 teaspoons of salt

How do I prepare it?

Pre-marinate the pork with the salt and let it sit for at least an hour (overnight is best)
 Rinse and then soak the azuki beans, lentil and tangerine peel for at least 30 minutes
Begin boiling your soup water
Blanch the pork in a separate pot of boiling water
Wash tangerine peel while scraping off seed pouches with a small knife
Wash and peel old cucumber.  Keep the skin and remove seed pouch.  Cut into large cubes.
Bring water to a boil and put all the ingredients in together.  Bring to boil.
Reduce to low heat and simmer for 3 hours.
Serve and enjoy!

Any benefits?

This is a neutral and healthy soup for children
The additional protein can double as a meal if you add extra (beans and lentil combined)
Old cucumber is effective in clearing heatiness
This soup is great for the wet and stuffy spring season

Any precautions?

It has a mild effect of reducing heatiness, although it is not a severely cooling soup

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