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Capital Beijing Food
By admin on 2015-01-29

Beijing Food  

Beijing is the Capital city of many  dynasties in the history of China, and many nomadic populations once lived in  Beijing. Today, Beijing cuisine is refined from a combination of Shangdong  cuisine and the Imperial cuisine, and formed its unique characteristics. Many  Beijing dishes primarily comprise of meat, as a result of eating habits of the  royals. For example, the Mongolian rulers during the Ming dynasty favored  mutton, while the Qing dynasty rulers preferred pork. Bejing chefs generally put  more effort into the method of cooking, and uses very common ingredients.  Deep-frying, roasting, instant-boiling, stir-frying and stewing are among the  most common methods of cooking. Because of its more northerly location, instead  of rice, which is the staple diet in southern cuisines, noodles, buns, or  jiaozi(dumplings), are preferred by the local people.


Peking Roast Duck:
The most  famous dish associated with Beijing is Peking Roast Duck. The origin of the  Peking Duck dates back to the Ming Dynasty, about 600 years ago. Cooks from all  over China travelled to the capital Beijing to cook for the Emperor. It was a  prestigious occupation as only the best chefs could enter the palace kitchens. A  top cook was even able to reach the rank of a minister! It was in these kitchens  where dishes of exceptional quality such as the Peking Duck was first created  and crafted to perfection by palace chefs. However, many of the recipes for such  "foods of the Emperor" were later smuggled out of the kitchen and onto the  streets of Beijing. With the eventual fall of the Ching dynasty in 1911, court  chefs who left the Forbidden City set up restaurants around Beijing and brought  the Peking Duck and other delicious dishes to the masses. The crisp skin of the  duck is the most prized part. To achieve such crispness, the duck is air-dried,  then coated with a mixture of syrup and soy sauce before roasting. When ready,  it is presented ceremoniously and the skin deftly carved. These pieces are  wrapped in thin pancakes with onions or leeks, cucumber, turnip and plum sauce.  Some restaurants also serve up just about every part of the duck, from the  webbed feet to the beak and liver. On request, the remainder of the duck meat  can be sauteed with bean sprouts, and the bones made into a wonderful soup with  cabbage.


Shuanyangrou (Lamb Hot  Pot)
Another favorite Beijing dish, it is especially popular in the cold  Beijing winter months. Lamb is typical northern food, and is generally not  consumed in southern parts of China. It is favored by northern people as it  warms up the body. Around the Chunjie or Chinese Lunar New Year, Shuanyangrou is  consumed a lot. The way to cook the lamb is ridiculously simple. Lamb meat is  first cut into very thin pieces. This was done manually and required great  skill. Recently machines have become better at this job and many lamb are thus  cut by machines. The lamb is put into a boiling pot for a few seconds with many  other ingredient such as seafood or vegetables, and taken out immediately and  consumed with sauces such as peanut sauce.

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