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Sesame (芝麻 Zhi ma)
By admin on 2015-01-28

Among the sure signs of winter are the big bags and jars of mixed ground sesame and ground walnuts that seem to be sold everywhere these days, often ground and mixed on the spot in pharmacies and food stores.

The mixture is a traditional part of the Chinese diet in winter.

Both nuts are extremely nutritious, but here we take a look at sesame.

The tiny seeds, golden or black (black is considered more potent) are loaded with vitamins, proteins and nutrients, including fat, protein, glucides (for the central nervous system), vitamins A and E, lecithin, calcium, iron and magnesium. Linoleic acid (unsaturated Omega-6 fatty acid) helps lower cholesterol. Vitamin E is an antioxidant that keeps the skin smooth and nourished and prevents inflammation.

Sesame is considered a "neutral" energy-reinforcing food in traditional Chinese medicine (walnuts are "warm"). Regularly eating sesame is good for the liver, kidneys (reproductive system) and spleen.

According to TCM, sesame reinforces blood, improves eyesight, acts as a laxative, promotes milk production in lactating women, promotes hair growth and is generally an anti-aging food.

It is recommended for weak persons suffering dizziness, ringing in the ears, high blood pressure, high blood fat, coughing, graying and dry hair, dry stool, mothers with insufficient milk.

But sesame is not for those with diarrhea and chronic inflammation of the intestine.

Sesame can be used both as oil for cooking and salad dressing and as and food. Both white and black sesame seeds are tasty, but black is considered more reinforcing.

Sesame congee

Ingredients: Black sesame and rice (4:1), walnuts, peanuts and other nuts can be added


1. Wash and soak sesame and rice for 30 minutes in water.

2. Make congee, first heating to a boil, then simmering for 20-30 minutes.

Benefits: Nourishes organs, strengthens tendons and bones. Reinforces energy and benefits digestion.

Sesame powder

Sesame powder is more easily digested than whole seeds. It's available in supermarkets and food stores. Eat one spoonful (20g) in the morning and one at night.

Benefits: Nourishes blood and reinforces liver and kidneys. Thus, it can help blacken hair and improve eyesight.

Sesame powder and honey

Mix, spread on bread or eat as desired.

Benefits: Helps reinforce liver and kidneys.

Sesame and walnut powder

Mix sesame and walnut (3:1). Eat around 16g before sleep.

Benefits: Improves sleep and memory and fights fatigue.

Walnuts, sesame powder, milk

Add a spoon of mashed walnuts and spoon of sesame powder in a cup of boiled milk. Add honey when it cools (heat deactivates honey). Drink daily at breakfast.

Benefits: Improves eyesight and worsening of myopia.

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