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Simple Dish and With Different Tastes,Fry the Sliced Chinese Bun
By admin on 2015-01-27

This dish is good for breakfast or coffe time.It is very simple,but with different sauce you will find your favorites.

Chinese bun(Chinese bread)

1/3 tsp of Salt

1.Break egg in a bowl and pour in salt then stir until it is been egg liquid.

2.Slice Chinese bun and put them in egg liquid until it coated egg liquid.
3.Heat up with a little oil in the pan and fry Chinese bun until it seemed golden.



A.Pour ketchup on the fried bun.
B.Put ham in the middle of two pieces of Chinese bun.(Chinese hamburg)
C.This dish with Condensed milk.

D.This with sesame sauce and sugar
E. …There are a variety eating with your own mind.

When you cook this you will use low heat.

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