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Luoyang Shuixi
By admin on 2015-01-27

Luoyang is a city surrounded by mountains, and the weather here is cold and dry. In ancient time, people hardly got any fruit to enjoy. To resist the dry and cold climate, thus Luoyang people who are fond of soup invented various soups to make up the need of water. Luoyang cuisine provides diners a chance to experience different flavors, an integrated state banquet called the Luoyang Boiled Food Banquet. Therefore, the Banquet is not simply a drinking test, but a local custom that has been running for over a thousand years.


The Origin of Luoyang Boiled Food Banquet
Luoyang Boiled Food Banquet comes from folk society. It is a very famous snack in Luoyang.

The main dish for Luoyang Boiled Food Banquet
Luoyang Boiled Food Banquet contains dishes with both meat and vegetables. Animals in the sky, on the earth, under the water can all be cooked in the banquet.

The Luoyang Boiled Food Banquet
Soup and drinks can always be found at Luoyang Boiled Food Banquet, with various tastes.

The famous food in Luoyang
The dishes at Luoyang Boiled Food Banquet are very strickly cooked. It has a proper among of seasoning, carefully selected material and is cooked with frequently adjusted fire.

The dishes at Luoyang
The dishes at Luoyang Boiled Food Banquet have sour and spicy flavor, and taste fresh. Unlike most meal customs in China, the dishes served in this banquet are brought one after another, like flowing water, hence the name 'Water Banquet.'

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