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Lazy People Who Do a Good Cooking This Dish,Fried Corn Grain with Pine Nuts
By admin on 2015-01-26

This dish is a well-know cuisine in China. Almost everyone likes to eat it. It is not only tasty, with good color, also has a very high nutritional value. Recommended for men, women and children enjoying the taste buds at the same time keeping fit. In particular, I would like to say that this is a very easy to do a success dish. Even if you are cooking for the first time, you can do good to eat.     Delicious and easy,let’s come to learn how to cook this dish.


About corn:
Corn in the high cellulose content, have the stomach to stimulate peristalsis, to accelerate the excretion of fecal characteristics, prevention and treatment of constipation, colitis, colorectal cancer, and so on; with its vitamin E while promoting cell division, anti-aging, lower serum cholesterol and prevent Skin functions, but also to reduce arteriosclerosis and brain function decline. In addition the corn contains lutein, zeaxanthin can fight aging eyes, not only in this way can eat corn curb anti-cancer drug side-effects on the human body to stimulate the brain cells, enhancing human brain and memory; and pine nut-rich in unsaturated Fatty acids, can prevent cardiovascular disease; a large number of minerals contained in the body can provide a wealth of nutrients, bones strong eliminating fatigue, the elderly have great health care benefits; vitamin E as high as 30%, have a good softening Blood vessels, the role of anti-aging, middle-aged and elderly is an ideal health food, beauty emollients Ladies is the ideal food; pine nut in the phosphate and manganese-rich, brain and nerve tonic, students and the mental The best brain, Alzheimer’s also a very good role in prevention.

Sweet corn grain  250g
Pine nuts  100g
Red pepper 20g
Green pepper 20g

3 tbsp of oil
3 tbsp of tomato ketchup
1 tsp of salt
1 tsp of essence of chicken

1. Thawed frozen corn grain and boil them about 4 minutes then drain them from water.
2. Heat up with pine nuts in a pan,fried by small fire(keep stiring) until golden and fragrants then pick them in a service plate.(keep stiring)

3. Clean green pepper and red pepper then dice them.
4. Heat up with oil in the pot and fried tomato ketchup a while then pour in all corn grain and diced green pepper and red pepper,stir until good combined then add in pine nuts ,salt and essence of chicken,go on cook 1 minutes, dish off.

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