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Edible fungus, Tremella and Celery
By admin on 2015-01-23


Edible fungus, Auricularia Tremella, Tremella Celery, Herba Apii


Have edible fungus and tremella soaked in warm water, washed clean and stripped of the stalks; have the tender celery stripped of the leaves, washed clean and cut into sections. Tear the edible fungus and tremella to pieces Scald them in boiling water separately. Take them out and flavour them with refined salt, gourmet powder, cooking wine and sesame oil. Put them on a plate and serve.


Nourishing yin, moistening the lung, promoting production of the body fluid, removing heat from the blood, refreshing the brain and lowering high blood pressure.


It can be used to treat dry cough with little sputum, epistaxis due to dryness of the lung and hypertension.

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