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Xian's Terracotta Warriors
By admin on 2015-01-22

Discovered in 1974 by a group of farmers digging a well, Xian's Terracotta Warriors (other names:Terracotta Army, Terracotta Soldiers)astounded the world with their artistry and sheer numbers. The terracotta army was constructed to guard the tomb of Emperor Qin Shihuang, the founding emperor of the Qin Dynasty, and the emperor who united China. The site of the Terracotta Warriors was turned into a museum. The Terracotta Warriors Museum contains four partial excavated pits named: Pit 1, Pit2, Pit3, and Pit4.

Xian’s Terracotta Warriors have shocked visitors ever since their discovery
Xian's Terracotta Warriors have shocked visitors ever since their discovery

Each exquisitely crafted warrior is unique

Each exquisitely crafted warrior is unique

What makes the Terracotta warriors in Xi'an so amazing is that each one is life size and unique? Each face is different and clothing and hairstyles have individual characteristics. Each soldier was armed with a real bronze weapon. The charioteers had fully functional wooden chariots pulled by terracotta horses. Archers, spearmen, infantry, charioteers, and generals have been excavated. When new each soldier was covered with paint and had the appearance of a real army of living men. So far over 700 warriors, 100 chariots, and 400 horses have been excavated from the four pits.

Horses and the remains of their chariots in Pit3
Horses and the remains of their chariots in Pit3

Pit3 of Xian's Terracotta Warriors

Pit3 of Xian's Terracotta Warriors

In ancient times, the wood supported roofs over the soldiers collapsed crushing the army underneath. Because of this, no soldier has been found intact. The complete warriors that visitors see were reconstructed from hundreds and sometimes thousands of shards painstakingly put back together. The excavations are extremely time-consuming. Each warrior is covered with bright paint, but as soon as the warrior is excavated and the terracotta begins to dry out, the pain flakes off and is lost forever. Because of this, Chinese officials have stopped the excavations until a means of preserving the paint is discovered.

This is the area where the warriors are pieced back together
This is the area where the warriors are pieced back together

Terracotta Warriors standing in formation as they have for centuries

Terracotta Warriors standing in formation as they have for centuries

Excavated near the mausoleum of Emperor Qin Shihuang were two miniature bronze chariots. The chariots are quite large and are exact in every detail. They are copies of the Emperor's personal chariots and every detail was reproduced in bronze. Everything from the driver's weapons and personal adornments was reproduced. There is even a box filled with small arrows to be fired by the miniature crossbow. In the building where the bronze chariots are displayed is where the Terracotta Warrior's chariots were discovered. They were made of wood and bronze. The wooden parts rotted away long ago, but the bronze parts still exist and their workmanship is astounding.

Miniature horses in full harness await their emperor
Miniature horses in full harness await their emperor

The miniature chariots are perfect in every detail

The miniature chariots are perfect in every detail

It is truly mind boggling to think that this amazing site was built so long ago by such primitive tools and only to guard a tomb. In 1987, this archeological treasure was added to UNESCO's World Cultural Heritage List

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