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Chinese Food Cooking Class
By admin on 2015-01-22

November 12, 2010, the volunteer teacher of UCD Confucius Institute for Ireland gave a brilliant class about Chinese food cooking at Ashbourne Community School in Ireland.

To develop Chinese language as a curricular subject in Irish post-primary schools, University College Dublin Confucius Institute for Ireland carried out research including a nation-wide survey of all Irish schools (750 in total). In the academic year 2011-12, Chinese language and culture have been officially taught in 22 schools, and Ashbourne Community School is one of them.

The volunteer teacher Liu Yu has introduced Chinese food last class, promised to teach the students cooking which students had looked forward to for a long time. Mary, the Transition Year Coordinator had prepared everything ready, both teachers and students were very excited.

The Volunteer Teacher Liu Yu and Her Student

Liu Yu and Jin Xi prepared two dishes for this class, one was the traditional Tomatoes fried with eggs, the other was the fried string beans with more technical contents. Liu also prepared the Fried rice with shrimps and vegetables. The first half of the class was teacher’s time to explain and show them how to cook Chinese food, while teaching them new words on Chinese food. The latter half was students’ time to choose someone as a representative to learn how to cook.

Students like this cooking class very much, they saw the whole process of how Chinese food was cooked; during their enjoying the authentic Chinese food they learned the culture of Chinese food. The cooking class also attracted the attention of the teachers and principals. They came to the class to taste the Chinese food cooked by the Chinese teachers. “It is gorgeous!” was their evaluation of the dishes.

Delicious Chinese Food

UCD Confucius Institute emphasizes teaching method and teaching technique, often employs a variety of interesting entertaining teaching forms, so that students can experience Chinese culture and at the same time learn language knowledge. It is a successful example on Chinese food cooking class.

Students Learning How to Cook Chinese Food

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