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Four Autumn Soup for Beautiful Women
By admin on 2015-01-20

Supplementing moisture is important for women's skin in the dry autumn air. Here are some soups for moistening the lungs.

Good for eyes---soup with chrysanthemum and carrot

6 grams chrysanthemum, 100 grams carrot, 5 grams green onion, salt, MSG, 2 grams soup, 5 grams sesame oil

Slice the carrot and place on a plate. Boil the chrysanthemum, salt, carrot and soup in a pot. Then sprinkle sesame oil and MSG over the soup. 

Moisturize skin and prevent wrinkles—soup with white fungus and medlar

15 grams white fungus, 25 grams medlar

Boil the white fungus and medlar over low heat in a pan until it becomes a dense liquid. Add some honey and cook for another 5 minutes. Take it once every other day with warm boiled water. This soup nourishes the kidney, enriches blood, moisturizes skin and improves color in the face.

Moisturize and blacken the hair—soup with black bean, longan and red date

50 grams black beans, 15 grams longan and 50 grams red date

Put the washed black beans, red date and longan in a clay pot with 3 bowls of water, boil over low heat until two-thirds of the water is left. Last, skim scum out of the soup.

Eliminate acne and freckles—soup with kelp and mung bean

15 grams kelp, 15 grams mung beans, 9 grams sweet almond, 6 grams rose (in a cloth bag) and brown sugar

Wash the mung beans and slice the kelp. Boil the kelp, mung beans and sweet almond with water in a pan then add the rose bag. After the kelp and mung beans are completely cooked, take out the rose bag. Finally, add some brown sugar.

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