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How to Relieve Stress With Chinese Medicine
By admin on 2015-01-19

The Western world has been prescribing medication for stress, depression and discomfort for years. China has taken a different approach since the beginning of history. They traditionally turned towards Chinese herbal medicines. It is now considered a major health and condition treatment system, used to cure many chronic conditions including depression and stress. Learn how you can relieve stress and discomfort with Chinese medicine.


Step 1

Research and learn about Qigong exercises. These famous Chinese exercises can be considered almost like yoga exercises. Combining this form of exercise with Chinese medicine can provide excellent relief from stress.

Step 2

Go to your local library and take out some books on Chinese herbal medicine. Explore the known forms of Chinese medicines and treatments for stress, such as Tai Chi, Qigong, massage and acupuncture.

Step 3

Go to see a Chinese doctor and ask how you can relieve yourself from stress. This doctor will be able to access your stress level, mental and body pain. Your doctor can then tell you what Chinese medicines will help relieve stress and mental anguish.

Step 4

Look in your phone book to see if there are any Chinese medicine shops in your area. You can ask the store owner for recommendations for stress and discomfort. He should be able to tell you and offer you something that can relax your mind, body and spirit.

Step 5

Understand that Chinese medicine and remedies will not work as fast as the over the counter medications you might take, but they might provide long term relief of your symptoms. Some Chinese medicines will have to be cooked, chewed, dissolved or swallowed. Be prepared for the unexpected.

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