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Ju Long Tan Cave in Yangshuo
By admin on 2015-01-19

It is widely believed that Guilin boasts the most beautiful scenery in China, and Yangshuo scenery is the most beautiful of Guilin. Assembling Dragon (Ju Long Tan) Cave is a pearl inlaid in Yangshuo scenery characterized by pretty rocks, strange caves and clear waters.

Located six kilometers (3.7 miles) south of Yangshuo County, Assembling Dragon Cave is at the foot of Ma Hill (Horse Hill) between Moon Hill and Big Banyan, comprising Black Cave and Water Cave. The cave gets its name from the surrounding peaks, like circling dragons, and the numerous stalactites with shapes suggesting images of dragons in diversified postures.

This is the only Karst cave in Yangshuo which can be admired both by land and by boat. The cave is over 1,000 meters (1,094 yards) long, 25 meters (82 feet) high at its highest point and 30 meters (33 yards) across at its widest with a quarter of the sightseeing route navigable by boat. Next to the watercourse there is a plank road equipped with guardrails. Visitors can watch the inner sights on foot or by boat as they like.

The scenery in the cave is an extraordinary masterpiece of nature without any artificial management. In the cave, the spectacular Karst scenery is too amazing to miss. There are too many astonishing sights such as stalagmites, stalactites, stone pillars, waterfalls, and underground rivers for visitors to take in. The pool in the cave is the seemingly bottomless Wudi Pool. Floating along the underground river in the pool, visitors can row their boats through the cave and come out from the back while experiencing a drop height of several meters.

There are many enthralling waters and mountains gathered around the cave, as well as many pavilions, terraces, and towers built in the style of local minorities' architecture. Antiphonal singing with 'Sanjie Liu' (an excellent folk singer of Zhuang ethnic minority in ancient China) can also entertain visitors on their trip.

The Assembling Dragon Cave's natural beauty accompanied with its cultural displays has made it the most distinctive scenic spot in Guilin, and attracts millions of international visitors.

Tips: Battery cars and bicycles are both available from Yangshuo County.

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