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Three Parallel Rivers
By admin on 2015-01-19

The Three Parallel Rivers is in the parallel area of the three largest rivers, Jinsha River, Lancang River and Nujiang River, in the vertical valley, Hengduan Mountain Range of Qinghai-Tibet plateau In July 2003, it was inscribed on the World Heritage List.

Here are numerous mountains and deep river valleys, where the snow mountains and glacier are encircled and the relic plants extend their lives and precious animals multiply. Queer waters, grand mountains and dangerous valleys are the three features of the natural sceneries here. The altitudes of “three rivers” decrease one after another from east to west. In the valley bottom, the three rivers keep surging; the top area of the mountains are dotted with numerous beautiful plateau lakes, some of which are hot springs; the high and steep mountains give rise to a bright vertical climate and vegetation. Many fruit trees flourish in the hot valley bottom. It is warm and cool in the slope; and it is a snow world on the top of mountains. This area is full of grand canyons with a rapid water flowing current. Besides, the mountains ranges in the two banks of Nujiang River are mostly above 3,000 m. Therefore, the high mountains, the deep valleys and the rushing water flow shape the well-known Nujiang Grand Canyon.  

The world heritage committee makes the following comments: the area of Three Parallel Rivers is one of the areas with the richest biology varieties in the world. Here coexists several climates and biological communities of southern sub-tropical zone, middle sub-tropical zone, northern sub-tropical zone, warm temperate zone, temperate zone, cold temperate zone, temperate zone and frigid zone of the in the Northern Hemisphere. In addition, it is the most intuitionistic temperature meter of the earth and the refuge of China’s rare and endangered animals and plants, so the area of the three parallel rivers is called as “a natural high-land garden”.

Shangrila, the peaceful, quiet and joyful Xanadu where people live in a harmonious way with nature, is located in the area of the three parallel rivers. On this land live more than ten ethnic groups, such as Lisu, Nuzu, Dulong, and Naxi with their own special and ancient cultures, customs and festivals as well as colorful fineries, cuisines and architectures. These sixteen ethnic groups live in harmonious and closely tied way with each other for centuries. In addition, here is the origin of the tea-horse ancient road, a famous international ancient merchant way in China; Meili Snow Mountain, reputed as one of the last pure lands, also stands toweringly on this marvelous land.

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