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Weight-Reducing with Diet
By admin on 2015-01-15

OBESITY is caused mainly by taking in too many calories. Exercise and proper diet help take off those excess pounds without side effects of medicines. Weight can be reduced through physical labor and exercise, for these stimulate catabolism and the consumption of fat and the synthesis of muscle protein. But it is a proper diet that controls the amount of calories one takes in.

Here are important points to keep in mind when following a weight-reducing diet:

1. Keep the amount of calories taken each day at the lowest level. This can be determined with your doctor, who will calculate your daily calorie need according to your weight and amount of movement. If you are not too overweight, you can adjust the amount of calories yourself according to results of practice.

For those who are only a little fat it is enough to moderate only a little in eating and drinking. This can reduce weight by a half to a kilogram a month. If this does not work, try to re-duce the amount of food you eat until it produces the effect, then persist with this level.

A diet that confines calories to 1,400 Kcal. is:
Breakfast: — A large bowl of jellied beancurd

1.A cake
2.One egg stewed in tea
Lunch: — Steamed buns stuffed with meat, cabbage and Chinese chive. 

1.Corn gruel made of 25 grams of cornflour.
2.Sliced radish with carrots flavored with salt Supper: — Millet gruel
1.Steamed bread 
2.Fried sliced beef and celery in vegetable oil
3.One egg stewed in soy sauce
People whose weight surpasses normal by 10 percent must strictly confine their daily calorie intake within 1,200 Kcal. and try to reduce their weight by 0.5 to 1 kilogram each week. If there is no change after two weeks, reduce the daily limit to 1,000 Kcal.
A diet for a 1,200 Kcal. limit is:
Breakfast: — Soybean milk

1.A cake
2.A deep-fried dough cake
3.One boiled egg
Lunch: — Oatmeal porridge

1.Cake baked with 50 grams of flour
2.Spiced fish
3.Quick fried celery and carrot in hot oil, then boiled with soy sauce and water
Supper: — Rice gruel
— Steamed twisted roll
— Mixed kelp and cucumber  flavored with garlic, soy sauce, vinegar
and salt.
— One boiled egg
A diet for keeping below 1,000 Kcal. is: Breakfast: — A large bowl of jellied beancurd

1.A sesame seed cake
2.One boiled egg
Lunch: — Steamed twisted roll

1.Braised beef seasoned with soy sauce
2.Fried bean sprouts and Chinese chive
3.Tomato and wax gourd soup
Supper: — Steamed cake

1.Fried sliced meat and rape
Summer radish and coriander soup

Those whose weight is 20 percent above normal will feel unwell and suffer tiredness, palpitation and shortness of breath, or complications such as heart trouble, hypertension and diabetes. The calorie intake every day must be lower than 800 Kcal. in order to reduce the weight quickly. If this does not work, then under a doctor's supervision, try intermittent starvation therapy.

2. Limiting daily calory intake mainly means cutting the amount of carbohydrates and fat. Sugar and foods made with sugar, animal oil and wine and liquors are strictly forbidden. It is necessary to take in a certain amount of food made of coarse grains which provide sufficient vitamins and inorganic salts but contain low calories. It is better to take even less vegetable oil

3. Reducing the daily amount of calories not only reduces body fat but consumes protein and other not-fats. Therefore enough protein should be eaten. The amount of protein needed is determined according to a person's weight — usually one gram of protein per kilogram of body weight. The ideal foods for protein intake include bean products, eggs, dairy products, fish, fowl and lean meat.

4. To ease the hunger that accompanies weight reducing diets, eat various low-calorie vegetables. If this does not work, eat foods that expand, such as popcorn.

5. If possible, have many meals a day but little food each time to avoid a hyperactive appetite. 

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