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Air Bath, Medicinal Bath and Dry Bath
By admin on 2015-01-14

AIR baths, medicinal baths and dry baths have a long history in China. With such bathing, people treat and prevent diseases and keep fit. They are simple and easy to do.

1. Air Bath

This is done to expose the naked body to cool air in order to raise the body temperature and thus regulate the functions of the central nerve system, increase the ability to endure cold, and activate the immunity system. A Chinese proverb says, "To keep fit, often stand in the cold."

Modern research proves that air bath can improve the functions of the inner systems and increase the content of a special substance in the blood which builds up one's resistance to disease. This is because fresh air contains large amounts of negative ions which can effectively regulate the central nerve system, improve the function of the cerebral cortex, promote metabolism, accelerate the process of oxidation and reduction, and increase immunity. According to reports in China and abroad, treating bronchial asthma patients by bathing them in negative ions gives a recovery rate of 80 percent.

Bathing in negative ions half an hour every day can reduce traffic accidents for drivers, raise study efficiency for students, and help athletes create good records. The air bath can help cure many chronic diseases such as bronchitis, asthma, tuberculosis, hepatitis, anemia and heart troubles. Frequent air baths can help patients recover sooner.

The air bath is simple and easy to do. It can be done anywhere at any time, and can be combined with manual labor and physical exercises. Generally speaking, it should be started in the summer. In the morning choose a place with fresh air to walk, jog, do morning exercises or taijiquan, wearing only vest and shorts. When autumn comes, wear as few clothes as possible and do more outdoor exercises. The duration of each bath can vary according to the weather and physical condition, as long as you do not shiver with the cold. Good ventilation should be kept in the room. Open a small window at night to left in fresh air. For elderly people the temperature of the room should not be lower than 15 degrees Centigrade. Fresh air and a temperature around 20 degrees is best.

2. Medicinal Bath

This is very old in China. Mix the water with a decoction of medicinal ingredients to wash or fume the body. This method was recorded over 2,000 years ago. Legends say that in the Zhou Dynasty  bathing in "fragrant water" was very popular. A Qing Dynasty document also wrote that "bathing in water mixed with wolf berry decoction can prevent diseases and postpone the aging process. " Medicinal baths can protect the skin, strengthen physique, treat and prevent diseases.

Different ingredients in the bath water have different functions. For example, a calamus decoction can protect the skin and make it smooth. To make it, boil 50 grams of calamus in water, then mix with bath water. Another method is to put the calamus directly in the bath tub and let it simmer in boiling water for 5 minutes. Take out the calamus, fill the tub with warm water and bathe.

The medicinal bath can treat and prevent many skin diseases such as nettle rash, geriatric dry skin, itching, as well as symptoms of rheumatic arthritis, chronic lumbar pain and backache, anal ailments, eye diseases and mycosis. Better results can be obtained under the guidance of doctors.

A decoction of Chinese mugwort and chrysanthemum mixed in the bath water is effective for eczema. Boil 50 grams of mugwort and chrysanthemum and mix with bath water. For rheumatic arthritis, chronic lumbar pain and leg pain, the following ingredients are required: 30 grams of mulberry twigs, 15 grams of cassic twigs, 15 grams of cuidium officiuale, 10 grams of reticulate millettia, 10 grams each of safflower, sapanwood, angelica, ground beetle, large-leaved gentian, slender acanthopanaz skin, the root of Chinese clematis, frankincense and myrrh. This prescription can stimulate the circulation of the blood, relax muscles and joints, remove stasis in the blood and relieve pain.

To treat swollen eyes, boil 10 grams of rhizome of Chinese goldthread, 10 grams of cape jasmine, and 10 grams of root of large-flowered skullcap into a decoction. Fume and wash the eyes while it is hot. This can relieve swelling and pain.

3. Dry Bath

This is rubbing the skin of the entire body with the two hands. The process can regulate the qi and blood flow, protect the skin, and coordinate the functions of the inner organs. Modern research proves that stimulating the nerve endings by rubbing the skin can accelerate the circulation of blood and lymph, promote metabolism, increase immunity, and postpone the aging process.

It can be done in two ways. First, rub the two hands together until they feel hot, then rub the arms, then from head to feet. The second is to start from the top of the head, to the face, shoulders and arms, chest, abdomen, waist and back, then to the legs, ending at the yongquan point at the center of the arch of the foot.

The best time for a dry bath is in the evening before going to bed and in the morning on awakening. The temperature of the room should be proper and the ventilation good. Go to the lavatory before rubbing. Remove clothing. Take a sitting position or lie on the bed.

A simpler method is to use a dry towel to rub the skin, or use a soft brush for what is called a "brush bath." Regular dry bathing will make the skin smooth and soft. Do not use too much force to avoid damaging the skin. As long as one practices persistently, one can prevent disease and keep fit.

Point to remember: those with acute infections, contagious diseases, tuberculosis, hemophilia, purpura caused by reduced platelets, and open wounds should not have a dry bath.

There are other forms of baths that can be adopted according to local conditions, such as warm water bath, hot water bath, cold water bath, hot spring bath, steam bath, sea water bath, sunbath, sand bath, mud bath, etc. 

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