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Shanghai Cuisine
By admin on 2015-01-14

Shanghai cuisine is the youngest among the ten major cuisines in China though with a history of more than 400 years. Traditionally called Benbang cuisine, it originated in the Ming and Qing Dynasties (1368-1840). Shanghai dishes usually look red and shiny, for they are often pickled in wine and their cooking methods include baking, stewing, teaming, deep-frying, etc. In the later part of 19th century after Shanghai became a major domestic and international trading port,Benbangdishes underwent some substantial changes by adopting certain merits of other cuisines. It formed a complex flavor structure, cooking style and technique norms. It stresses on using condiments and keeping the original flavors of the materials and has features of being fresh, smooth and crispy. Shanghai Dishes aim at lightness in flavor, and beautifulness in decoration.

The raw materials of Shanghai dishes are well cut, and the colors harmoniously arranged. Now, special attention is being paid to low-sugar and low-fat food, a good quantity of vegetables and nutritional values. Generally Shanghai cuisine is mellower and slightly sweet in taste. Sweet and sour is a typical Shanghai taste. Another characteristic is the use of a great variety of seafood. Rice is dominantly served over noodle or other wheat products.

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