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Art and History in Tianjin
By admin on 2015-01-14

Cultural exhibition Transition, presenting a collection of works from Belgian and Chinese painters over the age of 60, is scheduled to run from September 4 to October 24 in Tianjin's historic buildings.

"The exhibition is a perfect combination between modern art from Belgium and China and the beauty of historical buildings of Tianjin," Feng Jun, general manager of exhibition organizer Tianjin Historical Architecture Restoration and Development Company (THARD), announced Friday.

Feng said that THARD has invited Raf De Smedt, professor and former director of Antwerp Royal Academy of Fine Arts in Belgium to be the exhibition's curator.

"Twenty-four artists over 60 from Belgium and China will bring three works of their life to reflect their understanding toward transitional periods in their stages of art and life," Feng said. Exhibition venues will include the house of warlord and politican Duan Qirui, (1865-1936) and Jing Yuan Garden, the house of Pu Yi (1906-67), the last emperor of China.

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