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Chinese Art Enchants Chile
By admin on 2015-01-14

As far as the distance is between China and Chile, it turns out that art is the perfect way to unite the two nations at opposite ends of the planet. Let's take a look at an exhibition of contemporary Chinese art that has opened in the Chilean capital Santiago.

From the realistic depiction of Chinese coal miners, to the abstract handling of figures in traditional Chinese operas, the 83 works unveil a panorama of contemporary Chinese art in mediums including oil paintings, sculptures, and installations.

Entitled "Traversing Horizon -- Contemporary Chinese Art Show," the exhibit marks the first time that Chinese modern and contemporary art was displayed in Chile.

The exhibit is part of a week of Chinese art in Chile, dubbed "Week of Art: China Today," with the modern art exhibition, followed by an academic conference and three performances of folklore.

Lv Fan, Chinese Ambassador to Chile, stressed that the artistic events came at an opportune time, as this year is the 40th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Chile.

Jorge Pizarro, president of Senate of Chile, said, "This art show is a gift from China for the bicentenary of the beginning of Chile's fight for independence. You'll have to know that these excellent works of art are from the furthest country from Chile on Earth."

These pieces by 24 Chinese artists will be on show at Chile's National Art Museum for a month. Chinese art lovers will also be given the opportunity to learn about Chilean contemporary art when it is presented at the Beijing Art Biennial this September.

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