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Zhengyang Gate
By admin on 2015-01-12

Zhengyang Gate 正阳门 is located on the south-north axis of Beijing, south of the Tian'anmen Square and north of Qianmen Street. Now only the city tower and the embrasure watchtower are in existence.

The city tower sitting on a brick platform takes up 3,047 ㎡. 1.2-meter-high eave walls are respectively on the north and south. The city tower is trimmed with grey pantiles and green glazed tiles in the double-eave and Xieshan style.

Doors can be found in four directions upstairs and downstairs. The tower is 36.7-meter wide, 16.5-meter deep and 27.3-meter high. The whole building is 42 meters in height, which makes the gate the highest among all the gates in Beijing.

The brick embrasure watchtower covers 2,147 ㎡. The roof is also trimmed with grey pantiles and glazed tiles in the double-eave and Xieshan style. The tower has four storeys. Seven rooms on the south are 62 meters wide, 12 meters deep and 26 meters high.

The total height of the watchtower with its platform is 38 meters, which makes the watchtower the highest one among those in Beijing. On the first floor, an exhibition named Beijing in history introduces the folk customs of Beijing.

Address:Qianmen Street, Beijing

Bus Route:Buses along Chang'an Street or subway to the Tian'anmen station

Self-drive Route:North to the Memorial Hall of Chairman Mao, and south to the busy Qianmen Street

Opening Hours:8:30-16:30

Nearby Sights:Tian'anmen Square, Memorial Hall of Chairman Mao, Palace Museum, and National Museum

Nearby Restaurants:Zhongqiao Chaozhou Tavern, Xinxiangfei Roast Chicken, Quanjude Roast Duck Restaurant, Laozhengxing Restaurant.

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