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Oroqen Medicinal Therapies
By admin on 2015-01-12

Oroqen Medicinal Therapies

The Oroqen people mainly use herbs and a few kinds of animal medicine. Most of the herbs are specially used as medicine, but some of them are edible. There are 26 kinds of commonly used herbs which can cure more than 20 diseases, such as injury, fracture, ulcer and arthritis.

There are many kinds of animal medicines, but usages are simple and primitive and can only be taken orally or for external application. .

Generally speaking, the Oroqen women do the job of collecting medicines. Medicine processing is very simple, mainly including drying medicine in the sun, classification, packaging, and storing for future use.

Other Therapies

1. Cupping: Earthen cups are used to cure headache and stomachache.

2. Massage: No fixed technique, to relief people from feeling unwell after getting a cold, and lumbago, ache in the legs.

3. Hot compress: Warming by a fire or compress the patient's affected parts by baked warm stone. The therapy is mainly used to treat lumbago, ache in the legs and arthritis.

4. Kneading: Knead the patient's skin and muscle, to cure lumbago, ache in the legs, cramp and headache.

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