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The Folk Medicine of the Hakka
By admin on 2015-01-12

The folk medicine of the Hakka is the original and handy folk medicine formed by the Hakka based on the old practice of medicine in the Central Plains while absorbing the essence of folk medicine and healthcare from other places during the thousand-year migration to the south.

Some of the seemingly superstitious and ridiculous treatments in Hakka folk medicine are in fact quite reasonable. For instance, “zhuo siyan” (literally, capture the four eyes) is actually the application of massage therapy. Diet therapy is an indispensable part of treatment. Each disease has its own requirement of diet therapy to help recovery. For example, ginger is helpful to the recovery of pathogenic windcold.

There are some invaluable only extant copies or rare copies about traditional Chinese medicine kept by the Hakka, including traditional Chinese medicine theory, herbal medicine, prescriptions, medicine history, medical cases, medical notes etc, which require further exploration.

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