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Yangshuo West Street
By admin on 2015-01-12

West Street (xī jiē 西街) is located in the center of Yangshuo County (yáng shuò xiàn 阳朔县). It is 517 meters long and 8 meters wide. It was constructed during the Tang Dynasty (táng cháo 唐朝). At that time, it is no more than 200 meters long and less than 4 meters wide. Because it was located at the west side of the county, hence the name West Street. The street is regarded as the foreigners’ street, and also is called as “Global Village”. Every year, West Street receives more than 1500 thousand tourist from home and abroad.

West Street still preserves the ancient buildings. Most of them is changed into various shops, bars and hotels. Among them, there are more than 20 shops are running by the foreigners. All of these made West Street lively.

An attractive scene here is the learning and teaching of Chinese and other foreign languages. You can learn some foreign languages in a special language school on the street, or you can communicate with others in the bars and shops. The Chinese here teach foreigners Chinese language, calligraphy, Taiji (tài jí 太极), cooking and Chinese chess, at the same time, the foreigners transmit their own culture to Chinese during the communication.

Many tourists will attracted by West Street when they first step into the street. Different fronm the Chang’an Street (zhǎng ān jiē 长安街) in Beijing (běi jīng 北京) and the Nanjing Road (nán jīng lù 南京路) in Shanghai (shàng hǎi 上海), after having a cup of coffee or a bottle of beer they are unwilling to leave. Some of them stay in West Street and learn Chinese and kungfu, some of them become a teacher in the language school rum by the local people, and some get married with the young girls or boys.

People always say that if one has not go to West Street, he/she is regarded as having not been to Yangshuo. Yangshuo West Street is not only a palace for travel, it is also a well-know brand. The reputation of the street is not superior to the Wall Street in New Yor, the Downing Street in London, the avenue des champs-elysees in Paris, and the Chang’an Street in Beijng. With its unique charm, West Street attracts tens of thousands tourists from home and abroad.

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