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Eight Cancer-Allaying Vegetables
By admin on 2015-01-09

Healthcare specialists are unanimous in their insistence that diet has a crucial bearing on either cancer vulnerability or resistance. Specific vegetables are proven prophylactics against the eight most common cancers.

1. Lung Cancer-Spurning Spinach
The antioxidants in spinach protect against free radical damage that causes lung cancer. A daily bowl of spinach, along with generous helpings of tomatoes, carrots, pumpkin, pears and apples, is hence highly recommended.

2. Kelp keeps breast cancer at bay
Vitamin E, dietary fiber and microelement iodine in kelp give powerful protection against breast cancer. Sweet potato, tomatoes, water chestnuts and legumina in general are also beneficial for women. 

3. Water bamboo stem and celery impede intestinal cancer
As the rich fiber content in daily helpings of water bamboo stem and celery helps to move food residues through the gut, they are among the most powerful and effective dietary weapons against intestinal cancer. 

4. Cauliflower and broccoli protect against pancreatic cancer
The folic acid in these sister vegetables helps to preserve the pancreas from cancer, according to the Journal of American Cancer Society.

5. The Asparagus Aegis against Skin, Bladder Cancer and Lymphoma
A rich source of vitamins, rutin and nucleic acid, asparagus is a world-famous anti-cancer agent, notably in deterring skin and bladder cancers and lymphoma.

6. Beans safeguard the cervix
The soy phytoestrogens in soybean foods such as soy-bean milk and jellied bean curd inhibit both growth and mastastasis of cervical cancer.
7. The Garlic Gastric Carcinoma Guard
Garlic lovers are at the lowest risk of stomach cancer as this odiferous bulb neutralizes nitrite, a main culprit of stomach cancer.

8. The Mushroom Multi-Cancer Repellant
The cancer antibodies in mushrooms fend off lymphoma as well as liver and intestinal cancers. 

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