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Bouyei Medicine and Latrology
By admin on 2015-01-09

Bouyei Medicine

The Bouyei people mainly reside in areas between the temperate zone and subtropical climate zone with abundant animal and herbal medicine resources. According to incomplete statistics, over 1,000 varieties of medicine are used by the Bouyei people. Among them, over 90% are herbal medicines, and over 200 are commonly used. Most herbal medicines are produced in the local area, and a few are introduced from the outside. Due to its prominent curative effect and broad use, the Bouyei medicine has become merchandise and is used by other nationalities.

Before 1949, many workshops for borneol production existed inLuodian County,GuizhouProvince. After 1949, borneol production there has developed to a certain scale through unified planning.

Bouyei Iatrology

The Bouyei people can be traced back to the Guyue people of the Shang Dynasty (1600-1100BC). The Bouyeis, aboriginals inGuizhouProvince, have fostered their offspring for generations along the north and south of thePanjiangRiverandHongshuiRiver.

Through long-term practice, they have formed some unique treating methods based on their abundant animal and herbal resources. They have summed up many effective methods and prescriptions treating common diseases in moist mountainous areas such as rheumatism, injuries from falls and fracture. However, many of their medicine experiences have not been passed down since the Bouyeis have no written language.

Thanks to the cultural exchange with other nationalities, the Bouyei medicine has, in the course of its development, also absorbed other nationalities' medicinal experience. In the periods of the Ming (1368-1644) and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties, the Miao people migrated toGuizhouProvinceand its southeast area, so the Miao medicine had an important influence on the Bouyei medicine. In addition, the Han medicine also had some influence on it.

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