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The Ice City:Harbin
By admin on 2015-01-07

Harbin (hā ěr bīn 哈尔滨) is a sub-provincial city and the capital of the Heilongjiang (hēi lóng jiāng 黑龙江) Province in Northeast China. It lies on the southern bank of the Songhua River (sōng huā jiāng 松花江). Harbin is ranked as the tenth largest city in China, serving as a key political, economic, scientific, cultural and communications center of Northeastern China.

Harbin is originally a Manchu word meaning "a place for drying fishing nets". Harbin bears the nicknames "The Pearl on the swan's neck" because the shape of Heilongjiang resembles a swan, and "Oriental Moscow" or "Oriental Paris" for the architecture in the city. Harbin is also known as "Ice City" for its long and cold winter. This city is most famous for its beautiful display of ice sculptures in the winter.


Harbin was the birthplace of Jin (jīn 金) (1115-1234) and Qing (qīng 清) (1644-1911) Dynasties, the latter of which had a very considerable influence on modern Chinese history. At the end of the 19th century, Russia built the terminus of the Middle East Railway here. Later, more than 160,000 foreigners from 33 countries migrated to Harbin, promoting the development of a capitalist economy in the city. The economy and culture of Harbin achieved unprecedented prosperity at that time and the city gradually grew into a famous international commercial port. Assimilating external culture, Harbin created its unique and exotic cityscape.

Under the Koppen climate classification, Harbin features a humid continental climate with hot, humid summers and very cold winters. Harbin's nickname of the "Ice City" is well-earned. Its winters brutally cold and at times windy, as the average monthly high in January only reaches ?12.3 °C (10 °F). However, the city is dry and sunny during winter. Both spring and especially fall constitute short transition seasons. Summer is very warm, with an average monthly high temperature in July soaring to 28.0 °C (82 °F). The annual precipitation, at 524 mm (20.6 in), is heavily concentrated from May to September, as evidenced by July's total of 142.7 mm (5.62 in).

In legend, she is a resplendent pearl under the neck of the swan; On territory, she is a dazzling oriental star. With the torrential Songhua River around her strong and vigorous body, and with a long history, she enjoys the reputation of “Oriental Paris”, “Oriental Moscow” and “Ice City”. This is a city both old and young; This is a palace where oriental and occidental culture mingled with each other in perfect harmony.

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