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Everlasting Commemoration at Aobao
By admin on 2015-01-07

Aobao Festival is a traditional religious worship festival of the Evenkis together with some entertainment and sports, so it is quite popular.

People offer a sacrifice to the Aobao on an auspicious day in June. There are Aobaoes for people sharing the same surname, for "Mokun" (family) and for "Sumu" (banner). For example, the whole banner offers a sacrifice to the Aobao in Mayanhushuo Mountain; while people with the surname of Tugdun in Dongmakgol and Ertu near Yimin River; and people with the surname of Latur in Chagantaolagai.

Another kind of Aobao is one built on the burial ground of a shaman, whose students or believers offer sacrifices to it every year. This kind of Aobao is called "Qiandani" Aobao. Other Aobaoes are local Aobaoes for worshipping the gods of mountains and rivers.

The sacrifices offered to the Aobaoes by the banner are apportioned among the banner; those for family or Mokun are assumed by family and Mokun respectively. In the past, there was always surplus of the sacrifices, such as cattle and sheep. People are appointed to take care of them until the ceremony in the next year. This kind of livestock is called "Zath". People who take care of them will be guerdoned with the remuneration deducted from the livestock. When the ceremony is drawing near, some people are willing to supply livestock themselves. Some rich families even supply several sheep for sacrificing.

The procedure of the Aobao sacrifice begins with horse race, then pattering, recreational activities like wrestling and archery, and finally ends with banquet, song and dance. The Aobao Festival is a grand meeting of the Evenkis.

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