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Hot Health & Fitness Finds
By admin on 2014-12-12

Older people find stress free weightlessness in water is a good way to work out. All kinds of new "water toys" to exercise with are on the sports store shelves these days. Younger people also like aquatic fitness training. There's less stress on the joints and less sweat. …Could be the wave of the future.

The 12-Minute Anti-slip and Fall Routine for Senior Adults: 
A Florida physician has developed an exercise routine for older adults that can be done in bed and takes just 12 minutes. Further details to come soon. 

Spas for the New Millennium: 
More and more hospitals are developing wellness centers that consist of a large variety of fitness machines, whirlpools, lap pools, running tracks and individual health analysis testing. We predict these unisex centers will replace the typical gender oriented "pampering spa' that were once the domain of rich women. More and more HMO's and insurance companies are seeing the value of preventive medicine. 

Nutrition Hotline:
"The health of a nation has often depended on the good or bad digestion of a prime minister." -Voltaire

Antioxidant Rich Foods: 
Now that everybody's loading up on Vitamin C and E for their proven antioxidant effects, studies show that the best antioxidant dosages are not necessarily in pill-form. Eating your 10 servings a day of fruits and veggies (remember what Mom and Grandma used to harp on?) could be the best way to increase antioxidant capacity. Although all fruits and veggies have them, the best foods for antioxidants are cauliflower, peas and oranges. Amer. Journal Clinical Nutrition, 1998.

New Sugar Substitute Approved by FDA: 
More sucralose-sweetened products are becoming available on grocery-store shelves since last year's approval by The Food and Drug Administration of Splenda (sucralose) the latest sugar substitute to be approved in more than a decade. Advantages claimed over other sugar substitutes are no bitter aftertaste and sweetness retention when used in cooking. 

Steer Clear of Old Myths about Foods: 

Asparagus is a diuretic.

Truth: Asparagus is not a diuretic. It just creates an odor during urination.

Myth: Potatoes and bread make you fat.

Truth: Both are healthy carbohydrates that average about 100 calories and are low in fat. It's what you add to both that increases fat. (i.e. butter, sour cream, mayonnaise)

Myth: Eating after 6 p.m. makes you gain weight.

Truth: Eating at night tends to lead to consuming higher calories because you are home, near the T.V. (did you ever notice what most of the commercials feature?) near the refrigerator and relaxed. Or you are eating out at a party or in a restaurant where you tend to eat higher fat and calories and larger portions. Calories are the same at any hour of the day.

Myth: Drinking lots of water makes you retain fluid.

Truth: Water acts as a natural diuretic. It will help flush out your system of toxins.

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