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The Only City in China Named After an Emperor:Qinhuangdao
By admin on 2015-01-06

Qinhuangdao (qín huáng dǎo 秦皇岛) lies in the northeastern part of Hebei (hé běi 河北) Province, at the junction point of Northeast China and North China. Leaning against Yan Mountains (yān shān 燕山) to the north and facing the Bohai Sea (bó hǎi 渤海) on the south. Qinhuangdao received its name from a legend that Qinshihuang (qín shǐ huáng 秦始皇), the first emperor of China, visited the city's coast 2,200 years ago. And he sent two fleets from here to explore its offshore islands where he believed immortals dwelled, after then it got the name of Qinhuangdao.
Qinhuangdao is a beautiful coastal city. The forestation ratio of the urban area is 41.1%, and the average public green land per capita is 8.3 square meters. There are over 350 days with second-class air quality or above each year. The whole city is like a huge natural oxygen bar. The concentration of negative oxygen ions is more than 7000 per cubic millimeter, 10 to 20 times that in other domestic cities. The fine ecological environment makes Qinhuangdao one of the cities in North China with the best environment for living and making a career.

Beidaihe Scenic Spot (běi dài hé fēng jǐng qū 北戴河风景区) is located in the southwest of Qinhuangdao City, and it is a famous summer resort. Though the best time to visit is from May to October, it is suitable for all year round travel. Its coastlines, seaside attractions and convenient transportation all make it a popular destination for travelers. Beidaihe Scenic Spot is situated in the warm temperate zone, with a damp monsoon climate and four distinct seasons, neither too hot in summer nor too cold in winter. In the central area of the scenic spot is a great attraction called Tiger Rock Park (lǎo hǔ shí hǎi shàng gōng yuán 老虎石海上公园). It has many huge rocks looking like a herd of tigers. Standing on any of the rocks gives you a deep enjoyment of the beauties of nature. The sea breeze pushing against your face, the waves beating the rocks and the vast sea will make you feel refreshed and energetic. This is a good spot for photography.

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