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Art Magazines' Price Rise
By admin on 2015-01-06

Several leading magazines in China featuring foreign literature have recently been revamped to win back readership and they have upped their prices in a bid to cushion the growing operational costs.

The three most influential literary magazines in China, Foreign Literature and Art, Translations and World Literature, have all raised their prices by at least 30 percent, following facelifts earlier this year.

According to deputy chief editor of Shanghai Translation Publishing House, Wu Hong, Foreign Literature and Art has been increasingly in the red in recent years and as the magazine's new look has added more than 30 pages, a price hike was unavoidable.

In recent years, foreign literary magazines have been faced with dwindling reader numbers and circulation with many deciding to revise both their content and style.

In the 1980s, when literary magazines were in their prime, Foreign Literature and Art had a circulation of 100,000 copies for each edition. The figure plummeted to 10,000 in the 1990s and stands at only a few thousand at present.

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