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Yao Ming turns conservationist, no to shark's fin soup
By admin on 2015-01-05

    Earlier this month, we told you about a WildAid public service announcement starring Chinese basketballer Yao Ming that discouraged people from eating shark's fin soup. We weren't able to find a Youku video for you then but here it finally is. Yao has been an ambassador against the shark's fin trade for a few years now since his public pledge in 2006 never to eat shark's fin soup again. In 2007, a small ruckus erupted prior to Yao's wedding dinner in Shanghai when the media reported that shark's fin would be served as the opening dish of the lavish 12-course dinner -- those rumours turned out to be untrue. Yao Ming's role as the anti-shark's fin guy makes great marketing sense because once upon a time, he used to play for a basketball club called the Shanghai Sharks. Last year he purchased his former club and saved it from financial ruin. Now he's doing all he can to ensure his club isn't named after an extinct animal. 

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