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Zhejiang West Lake Art Gallery
By admin on 2014-12-30

Completed in October 1999 and located to the east of Zhejiang Provincial Museum, Zhejiang West Lake Art Gallery 浙江西湖美术馆 enjoys a beautiful shape and is the former site of National Art Academy—the first institute of higher learning on fine arts in China. At the beginning of 1930s, Lin Fengmian and Ai Qing initiated the construction of a Gothic gallery here, preserving the ideal of systematizing Chinese fine arts, introducing Western fine arts, blending Chinese and Western art and creating art of the times.

With three floors, the Gallery consists of a vestibule, a reception hall and four showrooms in different sizes, among which, the third floor is of a special subject—Exhibition on Calligraphy & Painting of Huang Binhong. Equipped with advanced exhibition facilities, novel and unique display means, the Gallery is a key venue devoted to displaying works of famous calligraphers and painters in Zhejiang Province, conducting academic exchanges and popularizing art.

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