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    A total of 645 news

China software to rival Android, iOS

2014/1/20 0:00:00

The operating system, known as China Operating System, or COS, was developed by the Institute of Software at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, together with Shanghai Lian Tong Network Communication Technology Inc. The system has a number of key selling points, its developers say, including applicability to a wide range of computer-based hardware, not just smartphones, and the claim that it fixes...

Conferring Ceremony of Oriental Scholars Held in SHNU

2013/12/6 0:00:00

          The titles conferring ceremony of distinguished professor for universities in Shanghai was held on November 4th.          SHNU president Zhang Minxuan and SHNU Vice President Ke Qinfei conferred the certificates to 3 scholars, namely, Dr. Bian Zhenfeng and Dr. Xiao Shengxiaong from College of Life and E...

Books with bling

2013/11/22 0:00:00

Stylish dealer combines Chinese and European elements to lure readers, Wu Ni reports in Shanghai.In a time when a click of mouse can get a book delivered to your door, would anyone bother to go to a bricks-and-mortar bookstore?The Zhongshuge Bookshop, dubbed the most beautiful bookshop in Shanghai, makes it worth paying a visit whether you need a new hardcover or not.Located in Thames Town, a Br...

Movie Directed and Shot by SHNU to be Officially Released

2013/11/6 0:00:00

        The urban love movie Dating Fever is about to be officially released throughout China on November 1. It is jointly produced by SHNU Department of Public Communications, Humanities and Communication College and Shanghai Vision Television Company          Wang Xu and Gu Zhengyi, screenwriters of Dating Fever, are SHNU st...

Trip to Nanjing

2013/10/30 0:00:00

  Our trip to Nanjing for a gathering of foreign students from Jiangsu province started early as we had to leave Jiangsu University at 6.30am. We all were still a bit sleepy in the bus but this faded away as soon as we reached Nanjing. Our first stop was the Nanjing Art College where we took some pictures and then we proceeded on foot to Shi Tou Cheng Park where the dragon boat races and g...

A little exercise goes a long way

2013/10/9 0:00:00

DON'T despair if you can't fit in the recommended 30 minutes of daily exercise. Growing evidence suggests that even half that much can help. It's still no excuse to slack off. Regular exercise strengthens muscles, reduces the risk of some diseases and promotes mental well-being. The more exercise, the better. But not everyone has the time or willpower. So researchers set out to find the mini...

Qingdao International Beer Festival welcomes foreign participants

2013/8/27 0:00:00

  Eight days have passed since the beer-drinking contest opened on Aug 11 at the Qingdao International Beer Festival in Shandong province. Four British students participated in the contest on Aug 19, making the contest more exciting. However, their efforts were all in vain because they broke the contest rules. Zhang Xuesen and Jiang Guoqing each won single awards.     "I am an...

LianZiGeng tremella

2013/8/16 0:00:00

This way, or that tremella LianZiGeng tremella medicinal effect of soup, the seed word food has rich nutrition, health, and can be used as a complete food supplements the Yin constitution.The following are: LianZiGeng tremella or tremella lotus soup materials and methodsIngredients: 100g, tremella lotus 20 grams, sugar, rice, red jujube several 100 gramsPractice: the rice gruel cooked. Can put...

Red-Painted Fingernails

2013/8/12 0:00:00

The art of fingernail painting is a tradition spanning from ancient time to the present: women in ancient China favored red colored fingernails and today painted fingernails are a fashionable trend for women. The beauty of women's fingers possesses a special charm. In ancient China, clothes covered almost the whole body of a person, except for the face and hands. Perhaps this is why so many...

Dog days of summer - the time to prevent winter ills

2013/8/2 0:00:00

The 30 hottest days in summer, or san fu, are the time to take care of your health in winter. During san fu, (each fu 10 days, called chu fu, zhong fu and mo fu), traditional Chinese medicine hospitals are crowded.It's part of the tradition of dong bing xia zhi, literally treating winter ailments in summertime.The dog days usually run\ from mid-July to mid-August, and this year starts on July 14...

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