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Chinese Version of Tibetan Epic Published

2011/12/29 0:00:00

A Beijing-based publisher has launched the Chinese version of King Gesar, a 1,000-year-old epic considered the crowning masterpiece of Tibetan folk literature. The eight-volume series consisting of nearly 2 million Chinese characters was published by Higher Education Press earlier this month. The new publication was compiled by more than 10 scholars from a government-backed King Gesar researc...

Lucky Number in China

2011/12/29 0:00:00

Just like people all over the world, people in China traditionally associate luck with various things and numbers. If you remember this, you will gain an understanding of Chinese manners and customs and will not embarrass yourself or your Chinese friends. As a rule in day-to-day life in China, it is customary to regard even numbers as being more auspicious than odd numbers. In China, tradition...

Life Measures Improving in China

2011/12/24 0:00:00

CHINESE people's livelihoods improved between 2000 and 2010 with disposable incomes rising, average living space expanding and people enjoying longer lives, a report by the National Bureau of Statistics shows.However, the income gap between urban residents and the rural population is still large, it said.Disposable annual incomes in China were 10,046 yuan (US$1,549) on average in 2010, or 2.73 t...

China Calls for More Cultural Activities During Festivals

2011/12/23 0:00:00

Authorities on Friday called for more cultural programs and activities during the upcoming new year and the Spring Festival, or the Chinese lunar New Year. The Publicity Department of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee, the Ministry of Culture and the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, jointly released a circular on Friday, calling for enriching the cultural ...

First Christmas in China

2011/12/22 0:00:00

To be perfectly honest, I had all but forgotten that Christmas was on its way. Despite what the glitzy expatriate web sites are saying, I don't see Christmas trees and decorations everywhere (not living in the vicinity of Beijing's Diplomatic area, which of course is the exception). And having lived for the past decade in the Middle East (the majority in Saudi Arabia where anything remotely rese...

Extending Friendship and Love by Drawing Pandas

2011/12/20 0:00:00

On the 4th of December, ‘Sweet’ and ‘Sunshine’, two giant pandas, representing the friendship of Chinese people came to England. They are going to stay in the Edinburgh Zoo for seventeen years. Lots of young students were excited when they got this news from TV, newspapers and other resources. In order to welcome the pandas’ coming and extend their fondness of them, the students from Willmington...

8 Days Golden Route of China

2011/11/16 0:00:00

Visiting: Beijing, Xi'an, Shanghai Highlights: Get in touch with three most popular and important cities to see real China Visit the legendary, historical and cultural sites to get close to Chinese civilization Walk on Xintiandi Bar Area and enjoy modern communications between east and west Itinerary: Day 1 Destinations: Arrive in Beijing Today's Activities:Airport station pick-up can be ...

8 Days Golden Route of China

2011/11/16 0:00:00

Visiting: Beijing, Xi'an, Shanghai Highlights: Get in touch with three most popular and important cities to see real China Visit the legendary, historical and cultural sites to get close to Chinese civilization Walk on Xintiandi Bar Area and enjoy modern communications between east and west Itinerary: Day 1 Destinations: Arrive in Beijing Today's Activities:Airport station pick-up can be ...

Overseas Chinese Return for Job Prospects

2011/11/7 0:00:00

Seventy percent of returned overseas Chinese have voluntarily come back home, commanding monthly salaries ranging from 3,000 yuan to 10,000 yuan a month, according to a survey by an education group, Oriental Morning Post reports. The Education International Cooperation Group surveyed 7,000 Chinese who had studies or worked overseas to find out about their career pursuits and living cond...

Tibetan Culture Development Benefits More Common People

2011/11/2 0:00:00

In recent years, Tibet has comprehensively launched a series of strategies to accelerate its cultural development so as to turn from a region with rich cultural resources to one with strong cultural development. Tibet's peaceful liberation in 1951 marked a new era in the socialist cultural construction in Tibet. The traditional Tibetan culture has gained effective protection and promotion with i...

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