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    A total of 645 news

Relationship Roles in a Chinese Family

2012/6/15 0:00:00

In China, family roles are still relatively traditional. While it is common for both men and women to work outside the home, when it comes to breadwinning, housework, and childrearing, China tends to fall in line with long standing gender roles. The man makes the money, the woman keeps house and tends the children. While multigenerational households add another dimension to the division of labou...

Folk events mark Dragon Boat Festival

2012/6/14 0:00:00

Jiaxing in Zhejiang province and Zigui in Hubei province will hold grand folk cultural festivals to celebrate the Dragon Boat Festival on June 23. The important Chinese folk festival is dedicated to the ancient patriotic poet Qu Yuan, who lived more than 2,300 years ago.  It's the third time for the waterside city of Jiaxing to hold such an event. In addition to a series of original folk c...

Ten English Words Borrowed from Chinese

2012/6/12 0:00:00

Typhoon is an English loan word from Chinese. This one is Tyhpoon Chaba over the south of Japan in 2004. Words taken completely or in part from another language are known as loanwords. In the English language, there are many loanwords that have been borrowed from Chinese languages and dialects. A loanword is not the same as calque, which is an expression from one language that has been introd...

Foreigners Work in China

2012/6/11 0:00:00

What will China be like in the future? French photographer Benoit Cezard recently expressed his view by traveling all around China and taking a set of photographs titled “China 2050″. What’s strange however is that the people in these photographs are mostly blue-eyed, big-nosed laowai “As China rapidly develops, future China’s migrant workers will be replaced by westerners, so they have to get...

Thousands of people show respects at memorial service of hero driver

2012/6/7 0:00:00

Tens of thousands of people across Hangzhou city in East China's Zhejiang province have paid their respects at the memorial service of local bus driver Wu Bin. He died in a fatal highway accident one week ago, but saved the lives of his 24 passengers. An investigation into the cause of the accident is still underway. The crowd was immersed in sorrow as Wu's body was escorted to the funeral hom...

Most Popular Food Program in China

2012/6/7 0:00:00

A seven-episode documentary series on the country’s favorite subject has stirred up a crest of culinary interest including millions of blog entries and an increase in sales of regional snacks and traditional foods. Our team of writers spread out to take the pulse of the producers, directors, consultants and viewers of A Bite of China.In the week that it aired on national television from May 14...

Hero of China- Chinese Bus Driver Has Given His Life to Save His Passengers

2012/6/4 0:00:00

A Chinese bus driver has given his life to save his passengers, after he was hit by a flying object on a motorway. Wu Bin, 48, was hit in the arms and the abdomen by a flying piece of metal that smashed through his windscreen. He managed to bring the bus to a stop despite his injuries. He then put the hazard lights on, and was able to tell the passengers not to run around while the bus was s...

Are You a Foreigner in China, then See 2012 Forecasts for 12 Chinese Zodiac

2012/5/31 0:00:00


Shopping Center for Foreigners in Guangzhou

2012/5/31 0:00:00

Guangdong Province is famous as an export industry region. Guangzhou is one of the coastal cities open to foreign investment in China, and it has grown rapidly as a financial center, administrative center, and export center in Guangdong Province. Guangdong Province is especially known for its export oriented industry and electronics industries. So if visitors to Guangdong want to go shopping f...

2012 Most Fashionable China Bride Hair Style

2012/5/29 0:00:00

2012 Most Fashionable China Bride Hair Style  

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